Anonymous ID: 5e960b May 27, 2019, 8:33 a.m. No.6601223   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1239



What's Strange is that their are anons whom don't

Realize the Significance of Being the first American

President to Personally Meet Japan's New Emperor!


Goes in Line with Being the Dignitary to Have Dinner

in the Forbidden City in China!


Along with the Sword Dance Ceremony in Saudi Arabia!


Let's not Forget the Ceremony in India with PM



These Were Events that NO other President in History

Had the Honor to Participate & Experience!


(our) Military Men & Women Know Full Well

How POTUS Respects & Revere's Their Service!


These Leaders Respect (our) POTUS!


The Earth Knows that POTUS is the

Great Leader!