Anonymous ID: d58935 May 27, 2019, 7:25 a.m. No.6600849   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0915

>>6600130 (lb/pb)

>POTUS legendary geo-economic & geo-political triangulation strategy in Asia is all about reversing the Cabal's EndGame – which was to strip the US of her resources, economic & manufacturing activity (leaving her high & dry – "America For Sale") in order to relocate all of this economic/military power to China, where the Cabal can control it more easily, as China is already a fully controlled centralized government & slave-based economic system.

OK, got it. We all see it now. What I want to know is why Richard Milhouse Nixon, a swamp creature for sure, was destroyed by the very cabal after "opening" China to the west. He wasn't Commodore Perry by any measure, he was a hack. Was he just used and discarded when his baggage became too much? Was he just grist for the cabal to be ground up and consumed? Was he in on "the plan" (50 yr)? Was he betrayed by his handlers? No, not Comey, just a lot of questions shrouded in the mist of time past.

Anonymous ID: d58935 May 27, 2019, 7:55 a.m. No.6601012   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1077


>Remember a discussion from a long time ago. It's possible he trying to get back pedo blackmail stuff out of the Watergate hotel.

But we never determined if it was to secure pedo stuff on Nixon to protect him, or get the file for the cabal to use against everybody.

Anonymous ID: d58935 May 27, 2019, 8:21 a.m. No.6601172   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1185 >>1220


>Sorry I don't think FBIanon was ever confirmed

Well, my guess is you think that because you weren't there at the time. We had Medanon, meganon, another FBIanon (who may have been killed), billionaireanon, ambulanceanon etc. In the dank days before the election, Seth's murder, OWS, bikelockfag, we were overrun with shill/disinfo bullshit because of pizzagate.

We got pretty good at sorting out the wheat from the chaff leading up to what is now the paradigm that demands "sauce".

Can any of these anon's be conclusively proven to be genuine? Maybe not, but they proved themselves to us, and history has validated our judgement.

Anonymous ID: d58935 May 27, 2019, 8:51 a.m. No.6601336   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1380 >>1396


>This Tech Is Making Sci-Fi Fantasies a Reality

It might also be the future of politics. Heinlein predicted a future when no political figure could show themselves or go out in public safely. Indeed, the public wouldn't even know what they looked like. A holographic "presence" might be the only way one can survive politics in this uber polarized political climate.