Modern Science proves it.
Ancient texts confirm it.
It's not dificult.
Ancient humans were ignorant, you say?
Really? Are you sure?
Would you bet your eternal soul on it?
Modern Science proves it.
Ancient texts confirm it.
It's not dificult.
Ancient humans were ignorant, you say?
Really? Are you sure?
Would you bet your eternal soul on it?
Knowledge that we live on a flat plane with a firmament above our head
leads to the truth of God.
It leads to the truth of Holy Scriptures.
Scriptures lead you to the existance of Giants.
Giants leads to Book of Enoch. Enoch was a prophet.
Enoch and the Bible leads to the truth of stars.
The truth of stars answers why THEY worship saturn, mars, the sun, ect.
It may START with flat earth… but it does not stop there.
So yes, understanding FE can help to save a man's soul.
Holy Christ is waiting for us all.
Well then, why aren't YOU sleeping?
Oh that's right… cause you live on a Flat Plane as well. ;)
Six hours… ON A FLAT PLANE.
Isn't there a song about that??
"leaving… on a flat plane…"
Or something like that.
How does my hair look?
Should I comb it?
Holy Jesus sees me too… and he sees you as well.
Oh, oh yeah… that's right. ;)
I should have said…" Living, on a flat plane. (musicanl notes)"
So all this diffing we have been doing here for all
these months and you have forgotten how they
fake videos? Greenscreens and such.
Use science… not NASA.
If you spent more than one minute surfing the net
you would soon learn that gravity is theory.
It has never been prove to exist.
What has been proven, however is buoyency.
That same way heavy,, dense material sinks in water is the
same way that we stick to the earth.
If it is light, it floats. If heavy, it does not.
Simple… just different than you've been told.
It agrees with scriptures. It just has more detail.
Would a prophet tell you spiritual lies?
Enoch did not even die. He was taken off of the earth directly to heaven.
The Bible says earth has foundations and has a firmament.
Bible says many things about oh… lets say satan being a star?
Enoch supports the same as Bible.
Enoch was part of Bible and still is in the Middle
Something like 300Ls - or like 400 ft.
I'd have to double check but its not to far off anyway.
It may be CALLED the law of gravity… but that is only a name.
Gravity has never been proven exist.
"For now we see only in part, but then we shall see
face to face."
Hell is beneath our feet. Three heavens above. (air, stars, most high heaven)
In case you have forgotten… we are fighting satanists.
Isn't that a religion?
Isn't it interesting that they tell you the Bible is fake
and they turn around and worship Bible satan?
If I am a bot, as you say I must be a really good one.
I eat, I sleep, I THINK…. therfore I AM.
HA…. bot. How funny.
Prove Gravity.
Gravity has never been proven in science.
So… take your own advice.
Either prove gravity… OR LEAVE IT ALONE.
Gravity does not exist.
How funny.
Neither Enoch nor the scripture claim satan to be Christian (dead end argument there)
Book of Enoch is still part of the coptic Christian
Bible in Middel East.. so….?
bla, bla, bla all the rest.
The sun spins in a spiral formation above earth.
The seasons are determined by what phase of the
spiral the sun is in.
The closer to the center (north pole) the colder in
the southern hemispher.
Opposite is true for northern hem.
Why do think the "spiral" is one of their symbols?
If you are not one of (THEM) you will eventually come around.
Your JUST NOW starting to think. i can tell.
It won't take you long.
I'm sorry you are not able to see that (yet).
I will honestly for you sir.
Holy Jesus is ALIVE
Tell you what. You prove gravity and I wil answer
your question.
(lets take up his time so he will get distracted)
(Lets challenge him on questions that we think he doesn't have an answer to and ignore the facts he does know)
Oops… did I type that out loud?
No but six months of light and six months of
darkness are.
Hmmm. How can that be on a sphere flying through
Hmm. How can the polar star be seen below the equator?
So may questions so little TIME.
Maybe world leaders just worship non living planets
because … ummm… they thinks its funny.
Stars are alive.
They will when the time is full and Gods plan is complete