Anonymous ID: 0942f1 May 27, 2019, 9:22 a.m. No.6601530   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1547 >>1551 >>1572 >>1585 >>1587 >>1591 >>1599 >>1615 >>1637 >>1641 >>1656 >>1668 >>1682 >>1683 >>1716 >>1719 >>1722 >>1773 >>1774 >>1880 >>1899 >>1917 >>1954 >>1957 >>2032 >>2038 >>2043 >>2060 >>2065 >>2076 >>2084 >>2145 >>2166 >>2179 >>2186 >>2193 >>2194 >>2204 >>2205

>>6600991 (lb)


It hurts that you feel this way.

It hurts because this anon

Along with many others

Feel/felt the same way.

We have our moments.

Some are glorious

Others, not so much.

If I were to offer a piece of advice

It would be:

Keep your chin up

Soldier on

Learn from those times you suck

Relish in the moments you win.

Above all else

Remain humble.

We will all have our day.

Some of (You) have earned more than you can imagine.

We all earn exactly what we get.

The fact is

(You) are here.

While you see yourself as a shit posting faggot

The truth id you have more courage than 99% of the rest combined.

This is a dangerous place.

The adversary is here.

The adversary is watching.

(You) sacked up and stood tall in the midst of evil and declared yourself free.

(You) should be proud.

It's (your) right.

You've earned it.

When the full scope of what has taken place is finally revealed

Your hardships will disappear.

Those who shunned you

Or attacked (You)

Will swallow their pride

And give (You) the respect (You've) earned.

Find me on the otherside and I'll buy your beer all night long.

Will laugh at the stupid shit we said.

We will cry tears of joy at what we've accomplished.

We will do this together.

(You), I & the rest of these autistic fucks.

We are in this together until the very end.

Godspeed, patriot.