Anonymous ID: 38f2a5 May 27, 2019, 11:27 a.m. No.6602268   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2370

Why don't the demonrats in America and their slimy little meat puppets in the entertainment/opinion networks get it yet? The only people who give any credence to anything spouted by the demonrats are those in America and elsewhere who watch things like the alphabet entertainment channels in America. Thing is, we also get other news. News from all over the world and we then get to place it all into Venn diagrams and find the place where the Venn diagrams meet and that point is where the truth is most likely to be found; but all people get from watching the globalist propaganda media is the propaganda…no truth, no facts, no reality, just opinions dressed up as something other than just pure fantasy entertainment.


The end result is we - those from outside America - look at the absolute insanity of ANYONE supporting the left as exactly that: ABSOLUTE INSANITY!


A question I have is why do so many Americans hate their history, their culture, their freedoms, their "Rights" - many of which aren't even available as a "frame of reference" for people from many countries to even have in their dreams!


I mean DAMN! In countries all over the world, if the insanity of the demonrats in America today was trotted out in the "media" in many countries, those repeating the nastiest lies and insults - politicians or media operatives - would end up either in prison, disappeared or commit suicide through the popular double-tap to the back of the head. But in America, when obviously traitorous demonrat bastards and bitches spout their propaganda they get put on TV so they can continue to lie and commit Sedition, Treason, Libel, Slander and just basically continually being maroons.


It truly is my hope that the end result - even the only 40% that will be able to be made public - will see what is truly needed in America: A REAL GOVERNMENT, BY THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE!


The rest of the world IS watching you America and it is our hope that your greatest President and the Military who support him does what is being expected by everyone not brainwashed by the globalist propaganda media and arrest publicly, imprison, put before a full public trial, get convicted and then either executed or removed from civilized view for 20 or more years, all of those responsible for the mess of the world and that includes treasonous politicians, corrupt bankers and wall street traders, seditious media meat puppets, seditious and treasonous organizations like the CFR, American Chamber of Commerce and other globalist-controlled "ngo's," radical demonrat created hate groups like antifa, planned parenthood and many others, naming foreign gangs like ms-13 and all foreign drug cartels are absolute TERRORIST organizations and subject to "military justice" because if it doesn't happen in the nation with the most powerful Military supporting the greatest President Americans have ever had, then there is no hope for the rest of the world and the globalist scum, win and we all just might as well give up.

Anonymous ID: 38f2a5 May 27, 2019, 1:09 p.m. No.6602792   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6601681 /lb notables

>“Kim Jong Un is smarter and would make a better president than Sleepy Joe Biden,”


Yeah, of course he lied, but interestingly he somehow is accurate because I, too, do believe that Kim Jong Un WOULD be a better President of America than pedo-joe.


So good he was so stupid as to outright lie when he had a good story going that was about to show he had a "prophet" status as well as an accurate reading of the two and yes, for America, Kim Jong Un would be a far - and greater President for Americans…than pedo-joe biden