Anonymous ID: 478a72 May 27, 2019, 1:02 p.m. No.6602753   🗄️.is 🔗kun


One of the Kennedy lads said "No one named Barrack Obama will ever be president of the United States."


Most people underestimate the power of 24/7 legacy media shilling. These are the people who convinced us transvestites reading stories to children in local libraries was good for America, That men should shave their balls and women get tattoos, that "majority minority" was oppressed, that epipens should cost 658.00 and McStain was a patriot and "Michelle" is a woman.


Humans are VERY suggestible, and when the suggestions come from beloved high credibility news sources and celebrities, we can be programmed to buy, have sex with or vote for ANYTHING.


Including an analgasm like Butttigieg