Anonymous ID: 5052fe May 27, 2019, 11:32 a.m. No.6602297   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2544 >>2751 >>2957 >>2988

CALLS GROW TO PROSECUTE JOHN BRENNAN after Existence of Clandestine CIA Asset in Top Level of Russian Government is Leaked


Former Obama CIA Director John Brennan continued his public meltdown on Friday.


President Trump released a statement on Thursday night ordering declassification of the intelligence related to the spying on the Trump Campaign in 2016.


Brennan was triggered after the news broke and lashed out at the president.


Young people everywhere: Please do not emulate Mr. Trump’s very immature behavior. Find others of honesty, integrity, & decency to be your role models. And always try to do what you know is the right thing, even when doing what is right is both unpopular & difficult.


— John O. Brennan (@JohnBrennan)

On Friday Brennan joined Chris Hayes on MSNBC and continued to lash out at Trump calling his move “outrageous… unprecedented.”


Brennan went on to say, “My former colleagues in the intelligence community are looking upon this with great concern and worry.”


Then on Friday the Deep State leaked to The New York Times that Brennan’s Russian “source” who determined that “Putin personally ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election” to undermine Hillary Clinton in favor of Trump” would be outed if Barr released information on the Obama administration spying on the opposition party.


Now there are calls for former CIA Chief John Brennan to be prosecuted for revealing the existence of a deep cover clandestine source inside the Russian government.


Tony Shaffer tweeted:


If this is the case & @JohnBrennan revealed the existence of a deep cover clandestine source in Russia he can and should be prosecuted immediately for compromising the source & doing "grave damage" from the release of Top Secret information – this at minimum sedition


It is evident that John Brennan put this alleged source in danger.

Not President Trump.


It’s time to prosecute John Brennan.

Anonymous ID: 5052fe May 27, 2019, 11:35 a.m. No.6602313   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Austria’s Chancellor Kurz loses no confidence vote following corruption scandal


Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz has lost a no confidence vote in parliament following corruption allegations involving his now ex-vice chancellor. The scandal earlier led to the breakup of the coalition government.


The motion was brought to Austria’s lower house of parliament by Peter Pilz, an environmentalist MP, and on Monday supported by the left-wing Social Democrats (SPO) and the right-wing Freedom Party (FPO).


All in all, 110 of the parliament’s 183 MPs voted to oust Kurz’s government, which had functioned in a caretaker role since the collapse of his coalition last week.


Austrian President Alexander Van Der Bellen will now appoint a caretaker chancellor to lead the country until fresh elections can be held (presumably in September). Last Wednesday, Van Der Bellen swore in a mix of politicians and technocrats to fill ministerial roles vacated by the FPO recently.

Anonymous ID: 5052fe May 27, 2019, 11:37 a.m. No.6602323   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2544 >>2751 >>2988

EU election results show people are ‘fed up with fake democracy’


Anti-establishment forces had major gains in the EU elections because voters are tired of parties refusing to challenge Brussels, analysts told RT, saying the results also show that migration is still a top issue.


Euroskeptic parties made considerable gains in the European Parliament elections, leaving the bloc’s establishment parties badly battered and searching for answers. Ultimately, analysts told RT, it illustrates how Europeans have run out of patience for politics as usual.


In the past, whenever the EU found itself in trouble, Brussels would always remedy the crisis by calling for more European integration, Dr. Werner Patzelt, a political science professor at the Technical University of Dresden, noted. And until now, Brussels always got its way.


“This time it was different,” Patzelt told RT.


Across the bloc, many people “have a feeling that there is too much integration in Europe, that there is too much government by Brussels.” This is an anti-EU feeling "that is so widely spread" which has led to the election of right-wing parties.

Migration crisis still haunts EU


Before heading into the elections, Brussels and its advocates argued that the migration crisis had been largely settled and that immigration was no longer a key issue for European voters. However, the electoral success of Austria’s conservative People's Party, led by now-deposed Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, indicates that Europeans still see mass migration as a pressing problem. The party enjoyed a victory that can be attributed to Kurz’s “strong” policies on immigration, said Patzelt.

Anonymous ID: 5052fe May 27, 2019, 11:39 a.m. No.6602336   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2544 >>2751 >>2988

Marine Le Pen: Emmanuel Macron Should ‘Definitely’ Resign, But He ‘Has Neither the Honesty to Do It, Nor the Panache’


Marine Le Pen, the leader of the National Rally party in France, in a Breitbart News exclusive interview on Monday called on French president Emmanuel Macron to resign the presidency, but said he is not honest or bold enough to recognize his worldview has been defeated.


In the United Kingdom, Le Pen noted, David Cameron stepped down as Prime Minister when the British people voted to leave the European Union back in 2016. And in 2019, Le Pen noted, Prime Minister Theresa May announced her plans to resign after the Brexit Party defeated her party and all others in the U.K.’s European Parliament elections.


Le Pen told Breitbart News that Macron should “definitely” follow Cameron’s and May’s leads and resign from the French presidency. “But Macron has neither the honesty to do it, nor the panache to do it,” Le Pen said.


Even if Macron hangs onto the presidency and refuses to resign despite the stinging defeat in this weekend’s elections, Le Pen told Breitbart News that Macron must dissolve Parliament “immediately” and hold new elections as soon as possible.


“They should happen immediately because of yesterday’s results, but mostly because of Macron’s posture during the election where he was not the warrantor of the constitution but he became an active player in one of the parties,” Le Pen said in a more-than-20-minute phone interview on Monday in the wake of her party’s win over Macron’s in the European Union elections. “Once he engaged, it became his personal responsibility. He should take into consideration the results and call for elections.”


Le Pen’s National Rally, rebranded from the old National Front party her father founded that she took over, surged into first place in the European Union elections in France this weekend. Le Pen’s party won more than 24 percent of the vote compared with Macron’s Republic on the Move, which finished under 22 percent.


Speaking through a translator via phone for the exclusive interview on Monday, Le Pen explained the victory and why she believes her party won, while Macron’s was defeated.


“There are two main reasons: One is a European reason, and the other is on a national basis. Macron, in the early stages of the campaign, presented himself as the leader of the European Union that the French people do not want anymore,” Le Pen said. “The European Union despises the people. The European Union protects unfair competition specifically with products coming from China. And more than anything, the European Union is fully open to immigration to the European Union that will be submerged.”

Anonymous ID: 5052fe May 27, 2019, 11:42 a.m. No.6602347   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2355 >>2364 >>2393 >>2544 >>2680 >>2751 >>2925 >>2948 >>2988

Former Miss Gay Ohio America to teach teenagers 'how to do drag' in public library summer class — and it's titled 'Drag 101'


'All genders welcome! Teens only, please'


A former Miss Gay Ohio America is set to teach teenagers "the building blocks of how to do drag" in a public library summer class — and the course is titled "Drag 101," WOWK-TV reported.

What are the details?


"Curious about the art of drag and no idea where to start? Come learn the basics with former Miss Gay Ohio America and local queen, Selena T. West!" the class description reads. "We will learn about the application of makeup and creating characters, as well as the history of drag. All genders welcome! Teens only, please."


The free class will take place at the Orange Branch of the Delaware County District Library system from 2 to 3 p.m. on June 5, WOWK reported, adding that there's no signup or registration required. There do not appear to be any other scheduled "Drag 101" classes on the library web site during the summer.

What does the 'Drag 101' teacher have to say?


"My boy name is Kyle Gayle. I'm 29-years-old and my drag name is Selena T. West," the Columbus drag performer told the station.


Dave Urbanski


A former Miss Gay Ohio America is set to teach teenagers "the building blocks of how to do drag" in a public library summer class — and the course is titled "Drag 101," WOWK-TV reported.

What are the details?


"Curious about the art of drag and no idea where to start? Come learn the basics with former Miss Gay Ohio America and local queen, Selena T. West!" the class description reads. "We will learn about the application of makeup and creating characters, as well as the history of drag. All genders welcome! Teens only, please."


Image source: WOWK-TV video screenshot


The free class will take place at the Orange Branch of the Delaware County District Library system from 2 to 3 p.m. on June 5, WOWK reported, adding that there's no signup or registration required. There do not appear to be any other scheduled "Drag 101" classes on the library web site during the summer.

What does the 'Drag 101' teacher have to say?


"My boy name is Kyle Gayle. I'm 29-years-old and my drag name is Selena T. West," the Columbus drag performer told the station.


Image source: WOWK-TV video screenshot


West added to WOWK that "Drag 101" has "nothing to do with sex or gender identity at all."

What does the county library director have to say?


George Needham, Delaware County District Library director, added to the station that the class is "probably the most controversial program I've ever worked with in 40 years."

Anonymous ID: 5052fe May 27, 2019, 11:46 a.m. No.6602359   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2544 >>2751 >>2988

Salvini Says No to ‘Eurabia’ in Italy After Report on Swedish Migrant Areas


Italian populist Interior Minister Matteo Salvini took to Twitter this weekend to comment on an Italian television programme on Swedish migrant areas, saying he did not want Italy to become like Sweden.


Mr Salvini reacted to the programme Tg2, broadcast on national broadcaster RAI, that examined highly migrant-populated areas in Sweden and claimed that entire neighbourhoods were essentially ruled by Sharia.


The programme drew strongly negative reactions from the Swedish embassy in Italy, according to a report from Italian newspaper Il Giornale.


In his tweet, posted on Saturday, the Deputy Prime Minsiter Salvini said, “We don’t want to end up like Sweden, this is not integration! NO TO EURABIA. Oriana, look at us from up there” — a reference to the late Italian journalist Oriana Fallaci, who became well known for her anti-Islamisation views through her books The Rage and the Pride and The Force of Reason.


Following the airing of the programme, The Swedish embassy pushed back, claiming “There are no ‘no go zones’ in Sweden. As in most large cities, there are socially vulnerable areas where, contrary to what is stated in the service, police presence has been strengthened in recent years.”


“We also wish to clarify that Swedish law is applied throughout Sweden throughout the country and the law is the same for everyone,” the embassy insisted.


While the Swedish government has consistently denied the existence of no go zone, preferring to label them “vulnerable areas”, there have been reports of heavily migrant-populated neighbourhoods where local Muslim men attempt to enforce Sharia and Islamic morality codes.


Last year, the Swedish centre-right Moderate Party specifically addressed the issue, saying that they wanted to see so-called “morality police” in no go zones arrested and arguing that they were increasing the problem of so-called honour culture and thereby infringing on the freedoms of women and children.

Anonymous ID: 5052fe May 27, 2019, 11:48 a.m. No.6602369   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2392 >>2544 >>2655 >>2751 >>2988

Jonathan Pollard, US spy for Israel, complains of neglect by Israeli state


Jonathan Pollard, an American who spied on his country for Israel in the 1980s, and is now free after spending 30 years in prison, has spoken of his frustration with the Israeli government, which it claims has forgotten about him. Pollard, a former intelligence analyst for the United States Navy, was released from an American prison in 2015, after serving a lengthy sentence for selling US government secrets to Israel. Throughout Pollard’s time in prison, the government of Israel lobbied for his release, claiming that the convicted spy did not harm American interests, but was simply trying to help Israel. But the US Intelligence Community and successive American presidents consistently rejected Israel’s claims, arguing that Pollard’s activities were severely detrimental to US interests. Pollard was eventually released after serving the entirety of his sentence. Ever since his release, Pollard has been required to wear an ankle monitor at all times. His Internet browsing is strictly regulated by the US government and he is not permitted to leave his New York home after sunset. He is also not permitted to leave the US, and Washington has refused to allow him to move to Israel.


Last week, Israel’s Channel 12 television station aired a rare interview with Pollard, in which the former spy claimed he had been “forgotten” by the Israeli government. Speaking from a restaurant in New York with his wife Esther by his side, Pollard told Channel 12 that no officials from the Israeli government had made contact with him since his release. He added that he felt “there is always something more urgent than me” for the government of Israel, whether it is “the [nuclear] deal with Iran or the [US] embassy’s move to Jerusalem, or the sovereignty of the Golan Heights”. When the Channel 12 reporter asked him whether he was disappointed by Israel’s perceived lack of efforts to bring him to Israel, Pollard replied that he would be “very depressed” if his “faith in God and [his] love for Israel and its people [was not] so strong”. At another point in the interview, Pollard appeared to criticize the Israeli government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “I am very concerned about what this entails for the [government’s] commitment and for [Israel’s] security”, he said. “If you do not care about someone like me, who spent 30 years in prison for the land of Israel and its citizens, how much concern is there for others in the country, [whether they are] soldiers or civilians?”.


In November of 2017, Israel’s Channel 2 television reported that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu had asked the United States President Donald Trump to allow Jonathan Pollard to move to Israel. However, despite the popular perception of the Trump administration as strongly pro-Israel, there are no indications that such a move may be taking place any time soon.

Anonymous ID: 5052fe May 27, 2019, 11:53 a.m. No.6602391   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Vaccinated Spreading Measles: WHO, Merck, CDC Documents Confirm


The Vaccinated Spreading Measles


The phenomenon of measles infection spread by MMR (live measles-mumps-rubella vaccine) has been known about for decades. In fact, 20 years ago, scientists working at the CDC's National Center for Infectious Diseases, funded by the WHO and the National Vaccine Program, discovered something truly disturbing about the MMR vaccine: it leads to detectable measles infection in the vast majority of those who receive it.


Published in 1995 in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology and titled, "Detection of Measles Virus RNA in Urine Specimens from Vaccine Recipients," researchers analyzed urine samples from newly MMR vaccinated 15-month-old children and young adults and reported their eye-opening results as following:


Measles virus RNA was detected in 10 of 12 children during the 2-week sampling period.

In some cases, measles virus RNA was detected as early as 1 day or as late as 14 days after the children were vaccinated.

Measles virus RNA was also detected in the urine samples from all four of the young adults between 1 and 13 days after vaccination.


The authors of this study used a relatively new technology at that time, namely, reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), which they believed could help resolve growing challenges associated with measles detection in the shifting post-mass immunization epidemiological and clinical landscape. These challenges include:


A changing clinical presentation towards 'milder' or asymptomatic measles in previously vaccinated individuals.

A changing epidemiological distribution of measles (a shift toward children younger than 15 months, teenagers, and young adults)

Increasing difficulty distinguishing measles-like symptoms (exanthema) caused by a range of other pathogens from those caused by measles virus.

An increase in sporadic measles outbreaks in previously vaccinated individuals.


Twenty years later, PCR testing is widely acknowledged as highly sensitive and specific, and the only efficient way to distinguish vaccine-strain and wild-type measles infection, as their clinical presentation are indistinguishable.


'Measles' Caused by MMR Vaccine Reaction, Acknowledged by NH State Officials

Anonymous ID: 5052fe May 27, 2019, 11:58 a.m. No.6602403   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2556 >>2751 >>2988

Knesset approves special committee to dissolve


Netanyahu urges Liberman to reconsider joining his government, says he’s ‘doing everything possible’ to solve coalition deadlock, avert snap polls.


Plenum approves special committee to dissolve Knesset


Lawmakers approve the creation of a special committee tasked with preparing the legislation to dissolve the Knesset in a 64-46 plenum vote.


The bill already passed a preliminary reading earlier this evening, but needs three more votes in the plenum. If the bill passes the final readings scheduled for tomorrow and Wednesday, Israel will be forced to hold new elections.


Earlier, Netanyahu said there was still time to avoid an “unnecessary” snap election, despite deadlocked coalition negotiations, and urged Yisrael Beytenu leader Avigdor Liberman to reconsider joining his government.


New elections loom after Knesset passes first vote to dissolve


Israel hurtles toward another national vote in a matter of months as talks between Netanyahu and Liberman fail to yield breakthrough


After a brief debate, 65 lawmakers voted in favor of dissolving the parliament, 43 opposed it and six MKs abstained. The Likud-spearheaded bill — which had to be submitted as a private-member bill, since there is no government — requires three more votes to trigger snap elections, which are proposed to be held on August 27.



Anonymous ID: 5052fe May 27, 2019, 12:05 p.m. No.6602427   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2544 >>2751 >>2988

Supporters Of Global Deep State Suffer Setbacks In European Parliament Elections. But This Would Change Nothing


On May 26th, people of the European Union went to the polling booths to vote for members of European Parliament.


The biggest winner by far was voter turnout, since these elections saw the highest activity after 40 years of declining participation. The 50% turnout was reached.


For the first time since 1989, the center-right European People’s Party (EPP) fell below 25 percent of the vote, with the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D) in the European Parliament just shy of 20%. The third biggest party was the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe + Renaissance + USR PLUS (ALDE&R) at 14.51%.


The grand coalition between the EPP and the S&D blocs will lose their majority in the 751-seat legislature.


The EPP came in first place with 180 seats, down sharply from 216 seats in the 2014 election. The S&D came in second with 146 seats, down from 185 in the last election. Third came in the ALDE&R, a centrist party, with 107 seats, a huge jump from 69 seats in the last election.


The Greens made gains to 70 seats, from 52 in the last parliament. The European Conservatives and Reformists Group (ECR) won 58 seats. The EU’s “Green wave” remained geographically limited. Green parties finished second and third in countries including Germany, France, Finland and Luxembourg. Yet Green parties have won no seats in Southern and Eastern Europe.


The so-called “Euroskeptics” made gains, the Europe of Nations and Freedom Group (ENF) and Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy (EFDD), won 58 and 56 seats, respectively. Combined, these parties won 33 seats more compared to the last election.


In Hungary, Viktor Orbán’s ruling Fidesz party scored 53% which also marked the biggest success of euroskeptics in the bloc.


Fidesz will now need to decide whether to stay within the EPP, or to branch out and join a Euroskeptic party group.


In Italy, Matteo Salvini’s Right League party won 35% of the vote. In France, Marine Le Pen’s National Rally won 23.3%. In the UK, the Brexit Party and Nigel Farage won 31.7% of the vote.


“Not only is the League the first party in Italy, but also Marine Le Pen is the first party in France, Nigel Farage is the first party in the UK. Therefore, Italy, France, the UK – it is the sign of a Europe that is changing.”

Anonymous ID: 5052fe May 27, 2019, 12:06 p.m. No.6602436   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2467

Trump says US not after regime change in Iran as war threats lose momentum


US President Donald Trump says his administration is not looking for regime change in Iran and would rather sit down for talks, signaling a change of tone after a period of saber-rattling that saw him and other US officials threaten the Islamic Republic with war in hope of getting concessions.


"We're not looking for regime change, we're looking for no nuclear weapons," Trump said at a press conference with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in Tokyo Monday, adding that he thinks "we'll make a deal" with Tehran.


"I really believe that Iran would like to make a deal, and I think that's very smart of them, and I think that's a possibility to happen," he said.


Ever since quitting the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in May 2018, Trump has used sanctions and political pressure to force Iran into the negotiating table for a new agreement, but to no avail.


The American president, who is on a visit to address trade differences with Tokyo, tried to use Shinzo's good relations with Iran to find a way out of his self-made crisis.


He suggested earlier in the day that the Japanese premier could act as a mediator.


"I know that the prime minister and Japan have a very good relationship with Iran so we'll see what happens," Trump said.


"The prime minister's already spoken to me about that and I do believe that Iran would like to talk. And if they'd like to talk, we'd like to talk also," the US president added. "We'll see what happens … nobody wants to see terrible things happen, especially me."


Trump's call for talks came only days after he threatened "the official end of Iran" in a tweet, as tensions rose following the US deployment of an aircraft carrier and B-52 bombers to the Persian Gulf to purportedly confront an alleged "Iranian threat."


However, the war talk has lost much of its steam thanks to a measured response from Iranian officials, who have indicated that they are not looking for war but would not hesitate to defend themselves against one either.

Anonymous ID: 5052fe May 27, 2019, 12:13 p.m. No.6602473   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2483

The World: What is Really Happening


If you want to understand what is really happening in the world today, a mid-ranking official named Ian Henderson is vastly more important to you than Theresa May. You will not, however, find anything about Henderson in the vast majority of corporate and state media outlets.


You may recall that, one month after the Skripal incident, there was allegedly a “chemical weapons attack” in the jihadist enclave of Douma, which led to air strikes against the Syrian government in support of the jihadist forces by US, British and French bombers and missiles. At the time, I argued that the Douma jihadist enclave was on the brink of falling (as indeed it proved) and there was no military advantage – and a massive international downside – for the Syrian Army in using chemical weapons. Such evidence for the attack that existed came from the jihadist allied and NATO funded White Helmets and related sources; and the veteran and extremely respected journalist Robert Fisk, first westerner to arrive on the scene, reported that no chemical attack had taken place.


The “Douma chemical weapon attack” was linked to the “Skripal chemical weapon attack” by the western media as evidence of Russian evil. Robert Fisk was subjected to massive media abuse and I was demonised by countless mainstream media journalists on social media, of which this is just one example of a great many.



Anonymous ID: 5052fe May 27, 2019, 12:15 p.m. No.6602483   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Every single one of these points – that “Boshirov and Petrov” have never been charged with the manslaughter of Sturgess, that the bottle was sealed so could not have been used at the Skripals’ house, and that it cannot have been in the charity bin that long – are points that I have repeatedly made, and for which I have suffered massive abuse, including – indeed primarily – from dozens of mainstream media journalists. Making precisely these points has seen me labelled as a mentally ill conspiracy theorist or paid Russian agent. Just like the Douma fabrication, it turns out there was indeed every reason to doubt, and now, beneath a veneer of anti-Russian nonsense, these facts are quietly admitted by anonymous “sources” to Harding. No wonder poor Dawn Sturgess keeps not getting an inquest.


Which brings us back full circle to the OPCW. In neither its report on the Salisbury poisoning nor its report on the Amesbury poisoning did the OPCW ever use the word Novichok. As an FCO source explained to me, the expert scientists in OPCW were desperate to signal that the Salisbury sample had not been for days on a doorknob collecting atmospheric dust, rain and material from hands and gloves, but all the politics of the OPCW leadership would allow them to slip in was the phrase “almost complete absence of impurities” as a clue – which the British government then spun as meaning “military grade” when it actually meant “not from a doorknob”.


Now we have seen irrefutable evidence of poor Ian Henderson in exactly the same position with the OPCW of having the actual scientific analysis blocked out of the official findings. That is extremely strong added evidence that my source was indeed telling the truth about the earlier suppression of the scientific evidence in the Skripal case.


Even the biased OPCW could not give any evidence of the Amesbury and Salisbury poisons being linked, concluding:


“Due to the unknown storage conditions of the small bottle found in the house of Mr Rowley and the fact that the environmental samples analysed in relation to the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal and Mr Nicholas Bailey were exposed to the environment and moisture, the impurity profiles of the samples available to the OPCW do not make it possible to draw conclusions as to whether the samples are from the same synthesis batch



Which is strange, as the first sample had an “almost complete absence of impurities” and the second was straight out of the bottle. In fact beneath the doublespeak the OPCW are saying there is no evidence the two attacks were from the same source. Full stop.


I suppose I should now have reached the stage where nothing will shock me, but as a textbook example of the big lie technique, this BBC article is the BBC’s take on the report I just quoted – which remember does not even use the word Novichok.



Anonymous ID: 5052fe May 27, 2019, 12:21 p.m. No.6602518   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2751 >>2988

Privately funded organization 'We Build the Wall' starts construction of border barrier in El Paso area


A privately funded organization called "We Build the Wall" began work this weekend on a project to erect a section of border wall in the El Paso sector.


Former Kansas Secretary of State, Kris Kobach, said on "Fox & Friends" Monday that the project was undertaken because there is a "ridiculously large gap" near Mount Cristo Rey that drug and human smugglers are taking advantage of.


The barrier will be built on private land. Authorities in the El Paso Sector - which provides support for the counties of El Paso and Hudspeth in the state of Texas and the entire state of New Mexico - apprehends 930 people per day, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection.


"This is the first time any private organization has built border wall on private land," he told Pete Hegseth, adding that the Army Corps of Engineers had said previously that the strip of land was too rugged for fencing.


He said the project was funded through private donations to the organization.


"We'll keep on building as long as people keep chipping in. The average contribution has been only $67 but so many people have chipped in," said Kobach.


Kobach said plans are in the works to start a second project.


It came on the heels of a federal judge blocking President Trump from building key sections of his border wall with money secured under his declaration of a national emergency, delivering what may prove a temporary setback on one of his highest priorities.


U.S. District Judge Haywood Gilliam Jr.'s order, issued Friday, prevents work from beginning on two of the highest-priority, Pentagon-funded wall projects — one spanning 46 miles in New Mexico and another covering 5 miles in Yuma, Ariz.


On Saturday, Trump pledged to file an expedited appeal of the ruling.


Trump, who is visiting Japan, tweeted: "Another activist Obama appointed judge has just ruled against us on a section of the Southern Wall that is already under construction. This is a ruling against Border Security and in favor of crime, drugs and human trafficking. We are asking for an expedited appeal!"


While Judge Gilliam's order applied only to those first-in-line projects, he said challengers were likely to prevail at trial on their argument that the president was wrongly ignoring Congress' wishes by diverting Defense Department money.

Anonymous ID: 5052fe May 27, 2019, 12:23 p.m. No.6602529   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2544 >>2751 >>2988

Rodriguez: Call for Mexican Investigation and Prosecution of NXIVM


The great Mexican journalist and columnist, Francisco Rodríguez has written an outstanding editorial on the topic of Nxivm and its Mexican adherents:


Here is a translation of the story:


NXIVM: Mrs. Occelli? And the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic?


Francisco Rodríguez


Sorry to read the name of Cecilia Occelli González among VIP Mexicans, those in the circle close to Keith Reniere. She is the ex-wife of Carlos Salinas de Gortari, mother of Emiliano and Cecilia Salinas Occelli.


What was she doing in the NXIVM sect?


Will it be fair to think that, in order to protect their mother, the Salinas Occelli siblings would have approached voluntarily to justice and thus not expose this grossly, through the statements of Lauren Salzman in the trial against Keith Raniere, the honorability of who was First Lady of Mexico?


But things are not like that, as have not been the tricks of the enrollment of people to the Executive Success Programs for the personal development of hundreds of unsuspecting Mexicans.


Everything is a mockery, a deception, as many are barely discovering through the scandalous statements of the youngest daughter of Nancy Salzman, second in the organizational chart of horror.


Lauren Salzman has spent two and a half days on the bench of the defendants of the courthouse in Brooklyn, New York. And is that, after signing a cooperation agreement with the US authorities to try to guarantee fewer years in prison, she is describing in detail the atrocities committed by a monstrous being, with a twisted mind, posing as the avant-garde savior of humanity — Keith Raniere .


What was this ball of mentally-retarded in Mexico thinking to join these satraps? It can be interpreted in several ways, but more often than not it is due to the need for recognition, for those children who feel they are diminished fronts to their rich and powerful parents.


Did you fool the Salinas mom? And the sister of the former SHCP?


In the case of Mrs. Occelli? Is it because, like Nancy Salzman, who voluntarily surrendered her daughters to be part of the harem, Cecilia Occelli González sponsored and participated in Nxivm knowingly? Or did they cheat and deceiver her too?


Surely, as they also deceived the highest level officials in the previous government since, the sister of José Antonio González Anaya – ex of the IMSS, ex-Pemex and former Treasury-, Alejandra González Anaya, being a Mexican VIP -the Keith Raniere- inner circle, formed together with Anabel Cantú, a company dance and choreography called Anima Inc.


Company that, with Raniere’s philosophy, served as a recruiter for the perversions that took place in Albany, New York. Company, too, of which Raniere continues to be a partner.

Anonymous ID: 5052fe May 27, 2019, 12:25 p.m. No.6602542   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2648

Palestinian Economic Development Under Zionist Settler Colonialism


The following research article deals with the entanglement of some Palestinian capitalist interests and Zionist colonial interests inside the Israeli market and also inside the Zionist colonial settlements. It further explores the economic and political dimensions of the collaboration of a segment of the Palestinian “business elites” with the Zionist colonial project in the Palestinian colonized territories.


The Capitalist Choice


Capitalism in Palestine was not a choice but rather a dictat that was imposed by the Ottoman Empire (1516-1919) in its final stages. It was reinforced by British colonial rule in Palestine, known falsely as the British Mandate, during the period 1917-1948. Capitalism was followed, in a stagnant way, by both, the brief Jordanian rule of the West Bank and the brief Egyptian rule of the Gaza Strip in the period 1948-1967. Later on, Capitalism was strongly reinforced in 1967 by the Zionist settler colonial rule of the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.


In 2003, the Palestinian Authority officially adopted its so-called Amended Basic Law. Article 21 section 1 of it stated that “The economic system in Palestine shall be based on the principles of a free market economy…”[1]


Consequently, capitalism in Palestine was the accumulated result of four successive capitalist regimes that bequeathed it to Palestine through the barrel of the gun and not as a result of the internal socio-economic development and class conflict of private property.


Moreover, capitalist development has had a strong impact on both the development of the Palestinian nationalist movement and the political options it was forced to adopt. The aspiration for freedom and national liberation was heavily influenced by the capitalist orientation that dominated the PLO.


The Political Imperative of a Colonial Development


The Palestinian nationalist movement under the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization (the PLO) has aspired to liberate Palestine from foreign rule and then to create a free and sovereign state of Palestine. The war of liberation was frustrated by a united alliance of the ruling Arab regimes, the Zionist settler regime and Western imperialism.


After the 1982 Zionist invasion of Lebanon, PLO forces lost their military base in Lebanon. The right wing leadership of the PLO agreed to evacuate its forces from Lebanon and disperse them to seven Arab states. It established a weak political-diplomatic base in Tunisia and limited its activities, in the period 1982-1986, to basically the political, cultural and diplomatic fields.


In 1987, the Palestinian Arab masses living under a brutal system of Zionist settler colonialism inside the Palestinian territories, revolted against their foreign Zionist colonial rulers. Their revolt which was called the Intifada, was basically some sort of a mixture of popular struggle and civil disobedience. The Intifada leadership, which was first managed by the local Palestinian organizations, was soon dominated by the PLO.


The Zionist colonial authorities failed to liquidate the Intifada. They opted for a political solution with the weak PLO leadership stationed in Tunisia. The PLO was pressured to accept secret negotiations in Oslo, Norway and later signed the so-called Oslo Accords. The PLO was made to believe that Oslo was a peace process that began with local autonomy and will develop by means of “negotiations” into a free, independent and sovereign Palestinian state. In fact the Zionist colonial rulers used Oslo as a colonial solution to the stagnated colonial rule they managed to impose on the WBGS territories.

Anonymous ID: 5052fe May 27, 2019, 12:29 p.m. No.6602561   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US-Backed Terrorists “Struggle” after Returning from Syria. The ISIS and America’s Terrorist Foreign Legions


Upon reading the Financial Times article, “Isis fighters struggle on return to Balkan states,” you might almost forget the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) was and still is a hardcore terrorist organization guilty of some of the most heinous terrorism carried out in the 21st century.


The article begins, claiming:


In a village in the Kosovar countryside, Edona Berisha Demolli’s family have gathered to celebrate her return from Syria where she and her husband fled to six years ago to fight for Islamic militants Isis.


“I am exhausted,” said Ms Demolli, as her relatives served guests slices of celebratory chocolate and vanilla cake and children played in the yard. “I thank God, the Kosovo state, and the US for bringing me home,” she said, referring to the pressure Washington put on countries to take their fighters back from camps across the Middle East and the logistical assistance they provided to that end.


The Financial Times would note that some 300 Bosnians joined ISIS and that Kosovo has set up barracks to accommodate returning fighters.


The article would end by quoting Besa Ismaili, a lecturer at Kosovo’s Faculty of Islamic Studies:


“You don’t have to approve of what they did, but you have to reach out to them to prevent further radicalisation, and their children need to develop a bond to the country.”


It is difficult to imagine how extremists who left their home country to fight alongside ISIS could be yet “further radicalized.”


We can suppose “further radicalization” might mean a second deployment in yet another of Washington’s proxy wars around the globe. It could be argued that returning fighters who receive assistance in reintegrating into society and escaping any real consequences for their actions will do very little to dissuade them or others in their community from doing it again.


Escaping Justice


The Financial Times in its sympathetic narrative begets questions surrounding an inescapable truth regarding the central role the United States and its allies played in facilitating the transfer of foreign extremists to and from the battlefield in war-torn Syria.


The article specifically mentions (and through the words of a former extremist, thanks) the US for its logistical assistance in returning ISIS militants to their respective countries.


We can only imagine if terrorists invaded the United States, killed Americans, destroyed American infrastructure and fought against US troops, just how slighted Washington would feel if a foreign nation intervened and spirited these terrorists away, especially back to their countries of origin and beyond Washington’s ability to exact justice.


But that is precisely what the US has denied Damascus.

Anonymous ID: 5052fe May 27, 2019, 12:37 p.m. No.6602606   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Military source: Israeli aggression on a military site in Quneitra countryside… one martyred


Quneitra, SANA-A military source announced on Monday that at 09.21 p.m., the Israeli enemy targeted one of the Syrian military sites to the east of Khan Arnabeh in Quneitra countryside.


The source added that the Israeli aggression claimed the life of one soldier and injured another one.


Earlier, SANA reporter said that an Israeli aggression with a missile targeted Tal Sha’ar in Quneitra countryside and there were reports about injuries.


And the Israeli victim spin, note the missile landed in Syria but Israel claims it was over northern Israel????? Then (((they))) say the mission was completed as planned?????


Syria attempts to hit Israeli aircraft, IDF attacks in response


The missile didn't hit the Israeli aircraft, which was conducting a routine flight over northern Israel, and fell within Syrian territory.


Syrian forces shot an anti-aircraft missile at an Israeli fighter jet Monday evening, in response to which Israel attacked Syrian targets, the IDF spokesperson reported.


The missile didn't hit the Israeli aircraft, which was conducting a routine flight over northern Israel, and fell within Syrian territory. The mission was completed as planned, the IDF said.


In response to the attempt, the IDF attacked the location from which the anti-aircraft missile was launched.


Arab media, meanwhile reported of air strikes near Quneitra.


Syria's SANA reported that "a military source confirmed that at 2110 hours the Israeli enemy targeted one of our military positions east of Khan Arnabeh in rural Quneitra."


The source explained that the aggression resulted in the "martyr's death and wounding another fighter."


According to Syrian media the strike took place near Khan Arnabeh which is very close to the Golan border and right next to line Bravo of the demilitarized zone near UNDOF areas. UN observers returned last summer after the Syrian regime retook this area near the border. An IDF statement said that Israel views with severity any threat to its aircraft and takes measures to defend them.


Last August Russia also deployed military police in southern Syria as part of the Syrian regime's efforts to reconcile with the former rebel-held areas.


In image watch how Israel use this to now claim they were attacked for the first time. Clearly trying to create justification for expanding a war, desperate Israeli's. The Jew cries out as he's striking you!

Anonymous ID: 5052fe May 27, 2019, 12:41 p.m. No.6602633   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2751 >>2988

Syrian Army Uncovers White Helmets’ German-Made Medical Supplies – Report


Damascus and Moscow have repeatedly accused the White Helmets, a self-styled humanitarian rescue group, of staging several provocations involving chemical weapons to justify potential foreign interventions and the presence of foreign forces in Syria.


The Syrian Army has found medical equipment supplies, some of them German-made, in a field hospital thought to belong to the White Helmets, SANA reports.


The Syrian news agency cited unnamed local sources as saying that the discovery was made in the western Hama province town of Qal'at al-Madiq earlier on Monday.


Apart from medical supplies which included automated external defibrillators and surgical instruments, Syrian soldiers also uncovered gas masks with filters as well as chemical protective clothing and other equipment.


The discovery comes a few days after Russian Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Vladimir Safronkov told a UN Security Council meeting that the non-governmental organization (NGO) White Helmets is preparing new provocations in the country’s province of Idlib.


“The pseudo-humanitarian personnel of the White Helmets continues to prepare ever new provocations in order to accuse the lawful [Syrian] authorities of using toxic agents. We see what is going on”, he underscored.


The Syrian and Russian governments have repeatedly blamed the White Helmets for staging a number of provocations in Syria involving the use of chemical weapons in order to blame them on the Syrian government and provide Western countries with plausible pretext for intervention in the Arab Republic.

Anonymous ID: 5052fe May 27, 2019, 1:02 p.m. No.6602750   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2772 >>2775 >>2798

North Korea Calls John Bolton "Defective Human Product" , "Warmonger"


North Korea on Monday called US National Security Adviser John Bolton a "war monger" and "defective human product" after he claimed that Pyongyang's recent short-range missile tests were a violation of UN Security Council resolutions, according to CBS News, citing an unnamed North Korean foreign ministry spokesman.


The comments come amid President Trump's visit with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, during which the North Korean nuclear discussions are likely to be high on the agenda.


North Korea tested short-range ballistic missiles on May 4 and 9, ending a pause in launches that began in late 2017. The tests have been seen as a way for North Korea to pressure Washington to soften its stance on easing sanctions against it without actually causing negotiations to collapse. -CBS News


On Saturday, Bolton told reporters in Tokyo that he had "no doubt" that North Korea's launches violated UN resolutions, which justifies keeping sanctions in place. According to Reuters, Japan shares Bolton's view on the matter.


North Korea's Central New Agency, the North Korean Spokesman, said that the North was rightfully exercising its rights of self-defense by conducting the launches. "Demanding us to ban all launches using ballistic technology regardless of range is same with asking us to relinquish our rights for self-defense," said a spokesman, who added that Bolton is an "ignorant" hard-liner who has consistently pushed provocative policies against North Korea - including pre-emptive strikes and regime change.


The spokesman also said Bolton's "hammer act" was responsible for the collapse of a major nuclear deal between the countries reached in 1994, when the North agreed to halt its nuclear program in exchange for U.S. fuel aid. The deal broke down in 2002 after U.S. intelligence agencies said North Korea was continuing its pursuit of bombs with a secret uranium enrichment program.


"Bolton should not be called a security adviser who works to secure security, but an adviser for security destruction who destroys peace and security," the spokesman said. "It's not that strange that crooked sound will always come out the mouth of a man who is structurally flawed, and it's best that this defective human product goes away as soon as possible." -CBS News

Anonymous ID: 5052fe May 27, 2019, 1:06 p.m. No.6602782   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pence Tells Soldiers: Some of You Will Die for Israel


This isn’t exactly what Mike Pence told the graduating class of West Point on Saturday. He said it’s “a virtual certainty that you will fight on a battlefield for America at some point in your life,” which means, of course, people will die, not simply soldiers but countless innocent others.


Pence’s “battlefield for America” is a brazen lie. America has but one reason to wage wars in the Middle East—and that reason is Israel.


The trillion dollar wars past, present, and future in the Middle East—in Syria, Libya, Iraq, Yemen, and Iran—do not in any way benefit the US, and instead have made America an international outlaw.


The endgame cooked up by a cabal of neocons consists of destroying these nations, starving their people, and keeping various factions at each other’s throats (as they are now in Libya). In this way, they will not have the capacity to challenge Israel or the US.


The Arabs know how Israel operates. It is engaged in the slow genocide and ethnic cleansing of brother Arabs, the Palestinians. They know the Zionists hate and resent the Arabs—and hold special enmity for the Persians of Iran. The Zionist plan to steal the land and evict its rightful tenants is known to virtually every Arab and Iranian, while it is either largely unknown or ignored in America, thanks to a pro-Zionist corporate media.


Israel knows it cannot accomplish its goal of total domination without the US military (and even then, it will be virtually impossible, as the US is no longer able to decisively win wars, and hasn’t since the Korean and Vietnam wars).


Pence and Trump are Zionist facilitators. Pence supposedly believes in the evangelical Christian take on Israel. Christ cannot return unless Israel becomes the dominant psychopath in the neighborhood and a cataclysmic war killing millions is waged. This is known as the Battle of Armageddon. The Christians believe a pan-Arab alliance will attack Israel and be defeated by the Jewish God. The resultant mass murder will be celebrated as a “great day of God Almighty.”

Anonymous ID: 5052fe May 27, 2019, 1:09 p.m. No.6602791   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2837


I don't think so IMO, Bolton is a war criminal, I believe he is there to do as he is doing and letting him in on the plan would be too risky. One thing with Bolton is he's predictable so I think yes he's the bad cop but he's not in on the plan.

Anonymous ID: 5052fe May 27, 2019, 1:10 p.m. No.6602795   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2830 >>2855

Antibiotics Found in Some of the World’s Rivers Exceed ‘Safe’ Levels, Global Study Finds


Concentrations of antibiotics found in some of the world’s rivers exceed ‘safe’ levels by up to 300 times, the first ever global study has discovered.


Researchers looked for 14 commonly used antibiotics in rivers in 72 countries across six continents and found antibiotics at 65% of the sites monitored.


Metronidazole, which is used to treat bacterial infections including skin and mouth infections, exceeded safe levels by the biggest margin, with concentrations at one site in Bangladesh 300 times greater than the ‘safe’ level.


In the River Thames and one of its tributaries in London, the researchers detected a maximum total antibiotic concentration of 233 nanograms per litre (ng/l), whereas in Bangladesh the concentration was 170 times higher.


The most prevalent antibiotic was trimethoprim, which was detected at 307 of the 711 sites tested and is primarily used to treat urinary tract infections.


The research team compared the monitoring data with ‘safe’ levels recently established by the AMR Industry Alliance which, depending on the antibiotic, range from 20-32,000 ng/l.


Ciproflaxacin, which is used to treat a number of bacterial infections, was the compound that most frequently exceeded safe levels, surpassing the safety threshold in 51 places.


The team said that the ‘safe’ limits were most frequently exceeded in Asia and Africa, but sites in Europe, North America and South America also had levels of concern showing that antibiotic contamination was a “global problem.”


Sites where antibiotics exceeded ‘safe’ levels by the greatest degree were in Bangladesh, Kenya, Ghana, Pakistan and Nigeria, while a site in Austria was ranked the highest of the European sites monitored.


The study revealed that high-risk sites were typically adjacent to wastewater treatment systems, waste or sewage dumps and in some areas of political turmoil, including the Israeli and Palestinian border.


The project, which was led by the University of York, was a huge logistical challenge—with 92 sampling kits flown out to partners across the world who were asked to take samples from locations along their local river system.


Samples were then frozen and couriered back to the University of York for testing. Some of the world’s most iconic rivers were sampled, including the Chao Phraya, Danube, Mekong, Seine, Thames, Tiber and Tigris.


Dr. John Wilkinson, from the Department of Environment and Geography, who co-ordinated the monitoring work said no other study had been done on this scale.


He said:


“Until now, the majority of environmental monitoring work for antibiotics has been done in Europe, N. America and China. Often on only a handful of antibiotics. We know very little about the scale of problem globally.


“Our study helps fill this key knowledge gap with data being generated for countries that had never been monitored before.”


Professor Alistair Boxall, Theme Leader of the York Environmental Sustainability Institute, said:


“The results are quite eye opening and worrying, demonstrating the widespread contamination of river systems around the world with antibiotic compounds.


“Many scientists and policy makers now recognise the role of the natural environment in the antimicrobial resistance problem. Our data show that antibiotic contamination of rivers could be an important contributor.”


“Solving the problem is going to be a mammoth challenge and will need investment in infrastructure for waste and wastewater treatment, tighter regulation and the cleaning up of already contaminated sites.” The finds are due to be unveiled during two presentations at the annual meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) in Helsinki on 27 and 28 May.

Anonymous ID: 5052fe May 27, 2019, 1:18 p.m. No.6602839   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Breitbart, Infowars: Defenders of Mass Murder and Ethnic​ Cleansing


Over at Reddit, somebody posted an Infowars video where a host sitting in for Alex Jones claims the corporate media in the US is making up “fake news” about Israel.


This is neocon and Likudnik propaganda. It is well-known by neutral observers that The New York Times, The Washington Post, and their ilk have consistently defended, glossed over, or ignored the manifest crimes of the Israeli state. The apartheid state of Israel excels in murdering women and children—and medics, journalists, and activists (Rachel Corrie comes to mind)—and because it is Israel, it gets a free pass.


The Infowars host, the kid talking to the camera, is a know-nothing. He is trapped in a vicious circle of hatred for Democrats and “leftists,” in response to their hatred of Republicans and “conservatives.”


Meanwhile, the crimes continue, more brazen than ever. Donald Trump has served as an over-the-top booster for Zionism.


Many of you know I was the editor of Infowars. I worked there for eight years before Alex Jones fired me for refusing to jump on the Trump bandwagon.


During my time at Infowars, I was the only person on-staff that consistently criticized the neocons. The other writers (with the exception of Paul Joseph Watson) rarely if ever addressed in-depth geopolitical issues, mostly because they knew zero about what was going on outside of the little control-freak media world Alex Jones created. Watson, however, no longer does this. He spends most of his time ranting about Islam and reposting articles by the Zionist Pam Geller.


Infowars is on par with Breitbart, an unapologetic supporter of Israel’s crimes against humanity. In 2015, the website posted an article titled “Breitbart News Network: Born in the USA, Conceived in Israel.” That pretty much says it all.


In that article, Breitbart president and CEO Larry Solov writes:–breitbart-infowars-defenders-of-mass-murder-and-ethnic.html

Anonymous ID: 5052fe May 27, 2019, 1:48 p.m. No.6602987   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Well these fuckers sit around coming up with ways to fuck us over so that'd be par for the course.


Remember they have dollar bets that they can make us do shit with their social engineering