Anonymous ID: 7ab96e May 27, 2019, 11:48 a.m. No.6602370   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The truth is that the indoctrination has been intense and very forceful. Schools brainwashed the children, and the colleges are the same. The most vocal online are typically the younger generations. It has been excruciatingly painful to watch friends and family succumb to the leftist ideology. I fell for it in many ways myself, but I was redpilled over and over and over again. I'm still learning of the ways we have been deceived. The dark is coming to light, they couldn't keep us down. We are rising up, we are rebelling against the systematic oppression that has plagued the western world. They kept us distracted, divided, and kept showing us reasons to hate America. They tricked us into believing we weren't free. They manipulated our citizens into protests, riots, and violence all in the name of "progressive" concepts. It was well coordinated, and denying that is futile. Americans didn't realize how lied to they were, and many still don't. We are trying to wake them up as fast as possible, but sometimes that requires letting people come to the conclusion for themselves. Change is coming. Change is HERE. It's happening.


Just make sure you go easy on people, a lot of them didn't know what was really going on, and their research led them in circles because they lacked direction. Be the direction, point them to the right path, let them catch up, and we can walk to true freedom together. Being angry at people who didn't know any better is wrong. Be angry at those who instigated these atrocities, with full knowledge of how it worked. They are culpable. And they will see JUSTICE