Anonymous ID: 86b371 May 27, 2019, 11:36 a.m. No.6602319   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Baker Change

Posted in #8442


>>6601342, >>6601382 Democrats can't oppose Russia without siding with Republicans (LSA).

>>6601174, >>6601236 DJT Tweet: Arlington video. (video)

>>6601219, >>6601304 LIVE: White House Tweet: "Vice President Mike Pence is participating in today’s Arlington National Cemetery Memorial Day Ceremony."

>>6601194 DJT Tweet: "Hoping things will work out with Israel's coalition formation and Bibi…"

>>6601184, >>6601191 FLOTUS Tweets: Memorial Day and Japan trip (White Hats).

>>6601164, >>6601210 Rain couldn't faze the marine standing guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

>>6601081 Anonymous American Vet's open letter of appreciation to Team Q.

>>6601076 Sebastian Kurz no longer Chancellor of Austria.

>>6601066 The Democrat's embrace of socialism and the misunderstanding behind the term.

>>6601037 Drones a new attack vector. Tokyo announces fresh arrests.

>>6601018 8ch news and performance summary.

>>6600995 Police found complicit in cover up of Pa. catholic church child sex ring.

>>6600929 LarrySanger & Cheryl Attkisson talk about a block chain alternative to the lefty Wikipedia.

>>6600912 Wrongly imprisoned former Rep. Steve Stockman files appeal.

>>6600877 Deutsche Bank not looking good. May ask investors for cash to restructure.

>>6600852, >>6600888 POTUS rips into Ian Bremmer for fabricating quote.

>>6600833, >>6600770 Anon gives a briefing on the various political parties found in the EU.

>>6600826 Political correctness hits UK military.

>>6600765 NK smack talk and Japan trade negotiation/space exploration.

>>6600719 DJT Tweet: "Liz Cheney: Statements by agents investigating Trump 'could well be treason'"

>>6600728 Obama "foundation" kicks off in Asia. Indoctrination?

>>6600697 Dems celebrate prematurely over the ruling of Obama activist judges.