Anonymous ID: b6baee May 27, 2019, 12:11 p.m. No.6602462   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2603 >>2630

POT, MEET KETTLE! Feckless cunt Alyssa Milano projecting "F-LISTER" at Jon Voight! bwahahahahahaha


Alyssa Milano Rages: Jon Voight an ‘F-Lister Trying to Stay Relevant’ By Praising Trump

(HAS BEEN) Left-wing actress Alyssa Milano slammed veteran actor Jon Voight’s recent remarks praising President Donald Trump, calling the Academy Award-winning star an “F-lister trying to stay relevant.”


In a pair of videos entitled “To my fellow Americans,” Voight lauded President Trump for confronting creeping leftism in the United States and their “absurd words of the destruction.” The Ray Donovan star also called Trump the “greatest president” since Abraham Lincoln. “I’ve said this once and I’ll say it again, that our nation has been built on the solid ground from our forefathers. And there is a moral code of duty that has been passed on from President Lincoln,” he said.


Alyssa Milano took to social media to criticize Voight’s remarks, saying: “Now I understand why Republicans like to discredit actors and our political views.” “Stay in your lane, Jon!” “Has been!” “F-lister trying to stay relevant!”


“Nobody cares what an out of touch actor thinks!”

Milano said about Voight, whose career spans seven decades and includes four Academy Award nominations and one win.

Anonymous ID: b6baee May 27, 2019, 12:15 p.m. No.6602482   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2544 >>2751 >>2988

Border Patrol Seizes Ultralight Aircraft Loaded with Meth, Fentanyl

Tucson Sector agents received notice from Air and Marine Operations surveillance equipment monitors about an ultralight aircraft flying from Mexico into the U.S. The agents tracked down the ultralight and seized a shipment of methamphetamine and fentanyl.

Air and Marine Operations (AMO) agents monitoring electronic border surveillance equipment observed an unknown aircraft entering U.S. airspace shortly before midnight on Thursday. The agents notified Border Patrol agents that the aircraft landed on a makeshift airfield south of Tucson, according to information obtained from Tucson Sector Border Patrol officials.


Border Patrol agents from the Nogales and Tucson Stations arrived at the scene and located an abandoned ultralight aircraft that landed on a dirt road. The smugglers loaded the aircraft with two large plastic storage containers. A K-9 agent alerted to the odor of drugs and agents searched the containers. The search revealed numerous packages containing what agents believe to be methamphetamine, officials reported.


The agents seized the drugs and the aircraft. Despite an extensive search by Border Patrol agents and an AMO helicopter aircrew, the pilot of the aircraft was nowhere to be found.


Once at the station, the agents tested and weighed the drugs. They determined the load consisted of 143 pounds of methamphetamine and more than 200 grams of fentanyl. Officials did not disclose an estimated value of the drugs.


In December, El Centro Sector Border Patrol agents tracked down two ultralight aircraft that Mexican cartels used to smuggle more than $1.4 million in methamphetamine, Breitbart News reported.


Smugglers have also used drones to smuggle drugs.


Recently, Border Patrol agents in the El Paso Sector witnessed smugglers utilizing a drone to act as a scout for human smuggling operations, Breitbart News reported in April. The tactic came to light as an agent monitoring the border with an infrared camera observed a small airborne object traveling north into the U.S. from Mexico. The object made its way about 100 yards into the U.S. before returning to Mexico. The agent observed this behavior three more times.

Anonymous ID: b6baee May 27, 2019, 12:25 p.m. No.6602541   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2559 >>2569 >>2711


>I don't think so


Show ONE photo of plane wreckage from flight 93 on 9/11/01…JUST ONE that shows one spec of evidence showing a plane crashed there…I'll wait! ALL there was is a hole in the ground, a plane does NOT freaking evaporate when it crashes! Period!

Anonymous ID: b6baee May 27, 2019, 12:36 p.m. No.6602600   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2751 >>2988

3 modelers predict Trump reelection: report

Three modelers are predicting President Trump will win reelection in 2020 based on a combination of economic data and incumbent advantages, according to a column in The New York Times.


Steven Rattner wrote that Ray Fair of Yale favors Trump to win based on a model that combines incumbency and gross domestic product growth rates.


The model predicted Barack Obama’s 2008 popular vote margin within a fraction of a percentage point and got within two-tenths of a point for his 2012 vote share, Rattner, who served as a counselor to the Treasury secretary during the Obama administration, added.



The model correctly predicting an electoral victory for Trump in 2016, but overestimated his popular vote share by about 5.5 points, which Rattner attributed to Trump’s personal unfavorables.


“In other words, a more ‘normal’ Republican would likely have won the popular vote by a substantial margin (instead of losing it by three million votes),” Rattner wrote.


Trump’s status as the incumbent also puts the odds in his favor for 2020, according to the Obama-era official.


Mark Zandi, Moody’s Analytics’s chief economist, has also said Trump is poised to win based on an analysis of 12 models, while Donald Luskin of Trend Macrolytics made a similar prediction based on an Electoral College analysis, Rattner noted.


“So the question for 2020 may well be whether Mr. Trump can overcome the majority of voters’ poor perception of him and use a good economy and incumbency to win re-election,” he writes.

Anonymous ID: b6baee May 27, 2019, 12:43 p.m. No.6602644   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>That is wreckage from a plane with a high T-tail eg 727/DC-9 style. What type of plane was used by flight 93 - a Boeing 757 with a low tail configuration.



Anonymous ID: b6baee May 27, 2019, 1:16 p.m. No.6602826   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2988


Japanese PM Shinzo Abe: "Since President Trump came to office, Japanese companies decided on new investments to the total of 24 billion dollars to the U.S. thereby creating 45,000 new jobs."