Anonymous ID: e2729a May 27, 2019, 12:10 p.m. No.6602457   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6602223 (lb)


software is a kind of weaving.

Weaving is a very important skill, and very useful and always right in front of us.

memes can have a 'woven' look to them.


but my point was that we have these patches about Wizzards and Warlocks.

those were all woven patches.

also people need clothes, that's a woven thing, usually.

and GPS satellites, they 'weave' through the sky . . .


you get my point I hope?

I wasn't talking about 'weaving spiders' or that nonsense.


if you got a wizzard in a cloak, there had to be someone who wove that cloak. a machine may be used to help.

Anonymous ID: e2729a May 27, 2019, 12:21 p.m. No.6602519   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2534


please include Chicago's "Joyce Foundation"

in any Barack dig. You will be amazed.

Read their yearly financial statements which include a lot of very juicey details .

one thing that made me see him as a total snake was admissions with in a Joyce Foundation financial statement about 'Certain parts

of the portfolio having 'taxable' transaction because they were using 'complex financial instruments' (I'm paraphrasing).

It looked to me like they got the foundation involved in credit-default swaps.

also they turned a foundation aobut the Great Lakes basin eco system into one about gun control.

and I think also helped to finance the collapse Carbon CRedit trading system that was supposed to rule the world, but collapsed within a few years (I may have details wrong about who financed that, but Barry was involved.).


Joyce Foundation

Anonymous ID: e2729a May 27, 2019, 12:33 p.m. No.6602577   🗄️.is 🔗kun


and for a clinch on why I wouldn't vote for Obama it was learning that he had not paid his parking fees for illegal parking until he ran for president. I thought 'such an obvious scoff law should not be President of the United States, the Chief Law Enforcement officer in the nation.'

not sure if that was before or after I found the Joyce Foundation stuff.

and I'd tell people 'You realize he's a Communist?'


That didn't work out well and would get me showered with hateful accusatory derision.

I quickly decided that to protect my self, and stay undercover, that the rapid Socialists who were obvious (because they would trigger when I'd say things like 'he was given a free ride at Harvard', or 'I'm pretty sure he's gay and that's his husband', they'd go nuts.


And they are only your friend when they think you can give them something and always want to know how you vote, and tell you you are wrong if you disagree with them.


I gave up all those 'frenz'

Anonymous ID: e2729a May 27, 2019, 12:46 p.m. No.6602666   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2678


go to church

be standoffish

find a good one who isn't a Jezibel and woo her.

I was watching a fame-fag anon and he said how he was hoping to have kids some day and I thought 'that's somehting I'm going to pray for him to have.'


don't rush.

and find a woman of faith.

Maybe a matchmaker can make you a match?

Maybe if you got DC on July 4 you'll meet her there!


Be receptive and you'll find someone worthy. But always realize: she's going to be smarter than you are, most likely, about some things.


I am sure that many many people have loved you over the years but you've been to out of it to see it.


you plant a seed. It grows quickly in the right conditions.

You'll be fine.

Anonymous ID: e2729a May 27, 2019, 12:55 p.m. No.6602711   🗄️.is 🔗kun

maybe it evaporated before it crashed by some kind of directed beam and only the tail was left?

yes, there was fuckery. Everyone knows that.

Being emotional about it here almost 18 years later is just wasting your rightous outrage.


I hear you. We were all suspecious then.

or the one about the building that, coincidentally, was to be demolished the very same day?


Or all the gold that 'disappered' was it ever really there?


ya, we all know.

and some of us know a little closer to home than others.



Anonymous ID: e2729a May 27, 2019, 1:02 p.m. No.6602756   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2972


the obesity is becaue the sugar/fat spiral.

when you have sugar, you crave fat.

you eat till it ballances, your body tells you.

but a glutton will eat more than he/she needs to ballance it, and that makes you crave more of the first thing.


all day.


for me it was when I gave up all HFCS (high frutitose corn poison) and stopped using sugar in my coffee.

also give up all breakfast cereal, sweet yogart, and prefer fresh fruits for your 'snack' sugar.


just some advice that works for me. Maybe it will work for you too.


again: give up all High Fruitose Corn Syrup

don't be a jerk about it, if it's birthday cake have a little, it's really hard to give it up totally.


but this means: no more soda-pop

no more candy (unless you read the label)

aboslutely no gummy candy.


it's the sugar. it's always been the sugar.

Anonymous ID: e2729a May 27, 2019, 1:15 p.m. No.6602822   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2831


takes one to know one?


I said 'about some things' because I had the very same thought you did.


and the idea that I am what you say?

why would I tell love-lorn anon that he could meet his future bride at church?


Come on, if you are going to say stupid stuff as if it's an accusation, at least do it to pepole who might be what you claiming they are.


a match maker can also be a dating service, that are easy to find on line.


do you need to apologize to me?

You might think so but I don't really because Idon't think it's an insult to be called that.


though maybe you accuse everyone of that?


love the emoji. The only person I ever see using those here is . . .

a well known fame fag.

is that you?

Anonymous ID: e2729a May 27, 2019, 1:21 p.m. No.6602853   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm usually direct.

Sneakiness isn't really my deal.

In fact my blunt and stupid 'tell it like it Is' way has caused me much trouble in my life.

I've had no problem saying 'this is fucked, it needs to be fixed' and get that whole 'blue pill' why are you spoiling dinner just because the chicken is raw blue pill thing.


you wish I was that, that you say, cause you want to date me because you think I'm wise.


you'd be shocked to find out about me.

Maybe I already know all about you and have watched all your videos and think you are awesome but don't understand why you are so quick with '

you a shoe

he's a shoe

everyone's a shoe shoe shoe . . .


I won't even use the word in my posts because I understand that those who are not don't ever talk about it.

that's why I kind of know that you probably are and I don't really care.

Or you are someone just trolling.


have a great day and stop being a shoe hater.

Anonymous ID: e2729a May 27, 2019, 1:37 p.m. No.6602930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2973 >>3020


The left creates conflict to try and bully a consensus. Even if they think it's a good idea, they will disagree because they can't claim credit for it.

It's like the way shills behave here: you can't get them to agree because they simply will not as per their scripts. They must try and confuse. They are looking for suckers to hurt and they hope to dispirit everyone thorough their bullying.

We see that here every day.


Conflict isn't the same as healthy debate.