Anonymous ID: e88f3e May 27, 2019, 1:39 p.m. No.6602940   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3015



Remember that guy who did a Gofundme to build the border wall? HE DID IT


And he proved I am right about the wastage and time the government is taking, because it is the same 18 foot steel bollard design the government is using and a HALF MILE was done over memorial day week end that closed the second busiest illegal crossing gap on the entire border.. ADDITIONALLY, IT WAS DONE IN A LOCATION THE ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS SAID WAS TOO DIFFICULT TO PUT A WALL INTO. IN FOUR DAYS.


They located the property two months ago, bought that property so they could install the wall, planned the wall, organized the people and when they showed up to do it, it was done before the Memorial Day weekend was even finished. I was right when I said they were lying about the wall and how "difficult and expensive" it was to do it. You can't get the truth out of this government unless the truth happens to benefit the agenda. CASE CLOSED.


'''We now know they are lying. Every damn politician is LYING. I can't get the figures on what it actually cost, but buying the land and installing the wall in a location the Army Corps of Engineers said it was too difficult to do, a WHOLE HALF MILE OF IT definitely cost less than $20 mil. If it took a team of 15 people only a three day week end to do it in a very difficult location there's no conceivable reason why the entire damn thing is not built by now, other than someone does not want it built. SEE THIS:


and compare the progress this team of 15 people made against the progress outlined in this report:


where 11 miles took FOUR WHOLE MONTHS. If this group of 15 people took less than a three day week end to do a half mile, they'd have at a maximum finished those 11 miles in about a month and a half. JUST 15 GUYS. What a joke the government is.'''