Anonymous ID: 1b03a8 May 27, 2019, 3:18 p.m. No.6603560   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3663 >>3768


PARIS - Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon said Monday he saw British Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage as being in the running to be prime minister later this year after his victory in European elections.

In an interview with AFP, Bannon described Farage as a “friend and colleague,” adding that he had spoken to him during campaigning and had been in touch since results on Sunday night showed his Brexit Party winning 31.6 percent of the vote.

“I congratulated him on a stunning victory,” Bannon said from a luxury hotel suite in Paris, where he has been staying during the final stage of the European Parliament election campaign.

Bannon, who has attempted to forge links between far-right parties in Europe since leaving the White House in August 2017, said he was now looking ahead to a midterm election for a parliamentary seat in eastern England on June 6.

Farage will test his Brexit Party’s new-found strength by fielding a candidate in the contest in the city of Peterborough.

“If he wins that seat and they have a member in Parliament, it will be pretty earth-shattering. So I think Nigel Farage right now is set up to be quite competitive to be prime minister of England in the fall of this year.”

Anonymous ID: 1b03a8 May 27, 2019, 3:44 p.m. No.6603734   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3757


Actor Jon Voight swept social media and rocked the political landscape after he released a pair of terse videos on Twitter in which he warned Americans not to be “fooled by the political left” and their “absurd words of destruction” — then praised Donald Trump as the best U.S. president since Abraham Lincoln.

The Oscar-winning actor knows how to deliver a maximum message in minimal time.

In total, the two videos, which were filed late Friday, run for 1 minute and 26 seconds. As of early Monday afternoon — about 36 hours later — Mr. Voight’s videos were viewed 8.5 million times and counting on Twitter alone. They also were liked 198,000 times, retweeted 63,000 times and drew 48,000 comments in that time period.