Anonymous ID: 3ddcd0 May 27, 2019, 2:32 p.m. No.6603251   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3270 >>3363

Workfagging all day, read the noteable lists.. whats habbening? Anything spoopy or whatnot? Any “reporters” sneaking into hotels like trip to Vietnam?

Anonymous ID: 3ddcd0 May 27, 2019, 2:40 p.m. No.6603308   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3357 >>3514


Multiple things..


  • oh how they scream and cry when they are called out on what they did to us..

  • oh how they project when they get caught undermining us

  • they take immediate action when we call them out on their bullshit.

* none of the MSM calls them out when they are found to be doing covert actions against us.. but will play up (as in a negative way) when President Trump defends us.. and after a WHILE (30+yrs)


Fuck YOU China and MSM too.

Anonymous ID: 3ddcd0 May 27, 2019, 2:49 p.m. No.6603385   🗄️.is 🔗kun




These stupid fuckers still running “Quarterback Sneak” every fucking play man.


Rule #1 of FF.. there has to be an ongoing drill of same thing happening miles away w local and federal agents present. OR have had an active shooter drill recently (here this county at Strawberry Crest) in the county that this state rep is trying to write a law for.


No such thing as coincidences.

Anonymous ID: 3ddcd0 May 27, 2019, 2:54 p.m. No.6603417   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3476


Oh brother, i feel you. Every trip out of my 4 walls and a roof is walking amongst the zombies. Waiting to get bit.. kek



Oh shit! Kek that is retarded. Was he just naturally guilty conscience or what?!


Noteable dumbass flies into ocean to avoid badassery of American Aviation.

Anonymous ID: 3ddcd0 May 27, 2019, 3:10 p.m. No.6603513   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The battle wages on. I remember that too, also the fatigue of what we are doing is real also. In the sense that we learn what is going on, time goes by and we are largely still out of site of normies which i honestly like better than a ton of fucking newfags that dont give a shit about this place being here fucking things up.


What a weird conundrum to be in, but where else would you rather be?


Its still fun and the ole crew is still here, i think for some of us we are okay leaving the board for a bit and trying to get along w normie-world cause we have to. Board is still here, anons and shills still here.


All about balance.

Anonymous ID: 3ddcd0 May 27, 2019, 3:29 p.m. No.6603616   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3664


If C_A is done/gone… then that means it is individuals now out there w their old contacts working as lil splinter groups. No gov money or equipment so they are taking in money from Soros and others to do what they a re doing. [They] are acting as Mercenaries now.

Anonymous ID: 3ddcd0 May 27, 2019, 3:40 p.m. No.6603698   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3722


Why? Either:

China owns C_A

Or C_A owns China.


Or C_A is Chinese from the start, or near start.


Dont just say “better rephrase that” and not state what the fuck your talking about. I wont do what you tell me to anyway, but it at least gives anon a lil background i to what you are talking about.

Anonymous ID: 3ddcd0 May 27, 2019, 3:44 p.m. No.6603739   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3789


What this whole time is about. POTUS out of country, AGBarr at wheel for DECLAS.


Perfect scenario. POTUS nowhere around for deniability in knowing or being apart of it. AND he will be w those who he is making trade deals.


Much like passing the chocolate cake to Xi and interrupting to let him know a hunert cruise missiles just launched for Syria..


He gets to show them he is serious, he is in control, and the task at hand is the NEW trade deal..


President Trump is the fucking man.