Anonymous ID: 50f85d May 27, 2019, 3:20 p.m. No.6603566   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3651

I've been anti-vaccine for a while now, but I've seen an evolution in this movement. At one time I was content simply to encourage/suggest other parents "do their own research". Now I am willing to be more firm that the vast majority of vaccines and certainly those administered as "mandated" requirements are much more harmful than beneficial. I don't believe "combo" vaccines have ANY benefits except to the manufacturer in the form of profits and new chronic diseases for them to "treat" with other high dollar pharmaceuticals. The HPV vaccine is so bad that I'd like to see criminal prosecution for those who developed it. Larry Cook makes money from his efforts against mandated vaccines, but I'm sharing this video because of the footage of children injured by vaccines.

Anonymous ID: 50f85d May 27, 2019, 3:31 p.m. No.6603635   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3720


I think of vaxopedia as "pro-vaccine" which makes the numbers cited even more compelling (though I don't trust ANY information from the CDC). Let's pretend all of the deaths cited really were measles (not willing to concede that they were all really due to measles). What is a citizen's likelihood of being exposed to measles and dying from it if there are no more than 1-2 deaths per year MAXIMUM. How about MMR deaths. Don't know of any? The report you cite discusses VAERS as a system where "just anyone" can send in a report. I believe that doctors are supposed to report to VAERS diseases, deaths and injuries that may have been caused by vaccines. However, as a PASSIVE reporting system with no penalties for failing to report it is estimated that about 1% of injuries actually get reported. While the discussion cited tries to make it appear that "just anybody" can submit a report there is actually great effort made to prevent the reporting of injuries, by routine failure to mention it and lack of awareness/willingness among people who should be reporting. Doctors don't want to know or admit to knowing that something THEY did left your child with a permanent disability or KILLED them. Some of the little known consequences of vaccines include Type 1 diabetes, epilepsy, autism, auto immune diseases, SIDS, and narcolepsy. No human being should be subjected to the mandate injection of a vaccine. Period.

Anonymous ID: 50f85d May 27, 2019, 3:40 p.m. No.6603699   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3743 >>3798


I agree with you anon. Humira is the top grossing pharmaceutical right now. What does it do? It suppresses deranged immune responses. What causes deranged immune responses and autoimmunity? VACCINES, which are designed to hyper stimulate the immune system in an unnatural way. They are selling us treatments for the diseases they inject us with.

Anonymous ID: 50f85d May 27, 2019, 3:42 p.m. No.6603718   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You sound like you learned all of what you know about vaccines from the CDC. If you actually will engage in a discussion I can show you, basically conclusively, that the current "CDC schedule" is by design CREATING serious chronic disease and death.