Anonymous ID: 572147 May 27, 2019, 1:58 p.m. No.6603048   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3263

Reposting for Maddow researcher because this showed up late in last bread


>>6602320 (/lb)


Yes, Anon.


The images shown in this Swampy guy's twat can be seen here, in the following two posts.


>>6599142 (/pb)

>>6599157 (/pb)


These were in the "NOTABLES" when I woke up this morning.


If I'm not mistaken, I believe their home address is listed in one of the images.


So strange. You'd think a celebrity would shield his or her address from the public records by transferring title to a real estate trust.


But nobody ever accused these people of being smart, or having smart lawyers….

Anonymous ID: 572147 May 27, 2019, 2:08 p.m. No.6603107   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3117 >>3142


Great story, Anon, and congratulations on your freedom from alcohol and AA.


My story is similar.


I first went to Al-Anon Adult Children meetings. Worked the 12 steps, got to the 4th one ("made a searching and fearless moral inventory") and realized that I should quit drinking, too.


Quit in 1988.


Attended meetings for a couple of years but didn't like guys trying to 13th.step me.


Walked from AA, hugged Jesus more tightly than ever, and I've been free of it all for more than 31 years.


My relationship with Christ, God, and the Holy Spirit keeps me grounded, happy, productive, empathetic toward others, kind, and free.



Anonymous ID: 572147 May 27, 2019, 3:02 p.m. No.6603460   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3473 >>3486 >>3531



Old-time researchfag here. I've learned a lot and contributed as much as possible. I pray for you faggots daily and I love you guys.


I recently was the victim of the theft of something very precious. Our family dog was swiped by a neighbor. The kids are inconsolable.


We researchfagged and we are 99% sure of who took our dog and sold her.


The thief is an ex-con who is facing additional unrelated charges. He's going back in ail soon but we want our dog back.


Do any of you know how to access old Craigslist ads?


Or got any other ideas?


Cops don't give a fuck. But I know that Anons do….

