Anonymous ID: 71f27c May 27, 2019, 1:57 p.m. No.6603043   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3084 >>3088 >>3179 >>3214 >>3267

Is this on instruction from Israel???


Remember one of their last meetings was held in Israel. Seems like they are trying to shield (((themselves))) from criminality.


New Florida Law Bans Release Of Mass Shooting Recordings


Gov. Ron DeSantis has signed a bill that prohibits Florida's government agencies from releasing photos, video or audio that record the killing of a person in an act of mass violence.


The new law was signed Thursday and takes effect immediately.


The bill was written after last year's school shooting in Parkland that left 17 people dead. It says the exemption to the public record law is needed to protect victims' families from trauma and to prevent the images or recordings from inspiring others to kill.


The bill's sponsor, Sen. Tom Lee of Hillsborough County, has said he is aware that such recordings can help the media keep authorities accountable after a mass shooting but pointed out that news organizations can petition a judge to access the images.


Media blocked from live coverage of Florida Cabinet meeting in Israel due to security concerns


Florida cabinet meeting in Israel raises questions,7340,L-5513133,00.html


Fuckery afoot

Anonymous ID: 71f27c May 27, 2019, 1:58 p.m. No.6603052   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3109 >>3298 >>3455 >>3512 >>3556 >>3663 >>3768

Judge Blocks Border Wall Funding


A San Francisco judge who has given heavily to Democrats issued an order May 24 temporarily preventing President Donald Trump from using military funds to pay for construction of a wall on the nation’s porous border with Mexico.


The injunction, nationwide in effect, is part of a growing trend that Attorney General William Barr calls dangerous because it allows a single judge to veto presidential actions. According to the Justice Department, an average of 1.5 such national or universal injunctions were issued each year against the administrations of Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush. Under Barack Obama, the average rose to 2.5.


But 37 injunctions have been issued against the Trump administration since the president was inaugurated, Barr said.


The case, along with other legal challenges to the president’s efforts to secure the border, are likely to end up in the Supreme Court eventually.


U.S. District Judge Haywood S. Gilliam Jr., appointed by then-President Barack Obama in December 2014, blocked the Trump administration “from taking any action to construct a border barrier” with reallocated U.S. Department of Defense monies in parts of Arizona and Texas known as Yuma Sector Project 1 and El Paso Sector Project 1.


Gilliam wrote in his 56-page preliminary injunction that “irreparable harm” would ensue if the administration moved forward while the lawsuit brought by the Sierra Club awaited a full hearing on the merits.


“Because the Court has found that Plaintiffs are likely to show that Defendants’ actions exceeded their statutory authority, and that irreparable harm will result from those actions, a preliminary injunction must issue pending a resolution of the merits of the case,” he wrote.


Gilliam also made a claim that legal experts say is highly questionable, falsely accusing President Trump of violating the separation of powers doctrine and infringing on Congress’s power of the purse. “The position that when Congress declines the Executive’s request to appropriate funds, the Executive nonetheless may simply find a way to spend those funds ‘without Congress’ does not square with fundamental separation of powers principles dating back to the earliest days of our Republic,” he wrote.

Anonymous ID: 71f27c May 27, 2019, 2:02 p.m. No.6603081   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3298 >>3455 >>3556 >>3663 >>3768

Israel Says It Destroyed Syrian Air-Defense System Near Golan Heights


On May 27, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) announced that its aircraft had destroyed a Syrian air-defense system near the Golan Heights. According to the IDF, the Syrian system had opened fire at an IDF jet flying over the occupied Golan Heights.


According to sources supporting militant groups in Syria, the Israel istrike targeted a Syrian Army positions on Tell Shaer in the province of Quneitra. The strike reportedly killed at least one soldier.


Syrian state media confirmed that one of its soldiers was killed in the Israeli retaliatory strike and a second was injured. A military vehicle was also said damaged in the attack.

Anonymous ID: 71f27c May 27, 2019, 2:05 p.m. No.6603097   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3298 >>3455 >>3556 >>3663 >>3768

Lavrov castigates US attempts to reshape Latin America as it sees fit


Moscow and Havana deem as unacceptable Washington’s attempts to reformat Latin America in the spirit of the Monroe Doctrine (envisaging US exceptional interests in the Western Hemisphere) which run counter to principles of the UN Charter, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said at a joint news conference after talks with Cuban counterpart Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla on Monday.


"We discussed Washington’s attempts to reformat that region [Latin America] as it sees fit in the spirit of the Monroe Doctrine that is being revived," the top Russian diplomat said. "Certainly, we don’t accept these approaches and we will be firmly defending provisions and principles of the UN Charter," Lavrov added.


"The experience of Cuba confirms the failure of the policy of dictation in international affairs and futility of power politics," he went on to say. "We see eye-to-eye with the Cuban friends as to inadmissibility of the illegitimate sanction pressure and confirm that we are categorically against the US economic, trade and financial blockade against Cuba. We will continue to resolutely support the rightful demands of Havana that this blockade be stopped without delay," the top diplomat added.


According to him, this position reflects a joint stance "of the overwhelming majority of global nations". "At the previous session of the UN General Assembly in December 2018, 189 nations voted in favor of the resolution demanding to abolish this illegitimate embargo, and only two (Israel and the US) voted against," Lavrov reiterated.

Anonymous ID: 71f27c May 27, 2019, 2:36 p.m. No.6603273   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3409

"Pig Ebola" Epidemic Threatens To Unleash Stagflation Across China


With Chinese pigs getting slaughtering left and right to contain the breakout of African swine fever, also known as "Pig Ebola", so are pork shorts as meat processors around the world scramble to sell more pork to China to make up for sharp shortages of China's most popular protein. The consequence is tighter supplies in the U.S. and Europe, which is pushing up prices. And as the disease continues to spread throughout China - the world’s largest producer and consumer - the trend will only get worse.


Case in point: US retail prices for boneless hams hit $4.31 per pound in March, the highest since 2015.

Anonymous ID: 71f27c May 27, 2019, 2:51 p.m. No.6603394   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3455 >>3556 >>3663 >>3768

The Best Way to Honor Fallen Soldiers Is to Stop Sending Troops to War


Every Memorial Day, Americans pay their respects to soldiers who have died while fighting for the US military. Though the good intentions and courage of those who enlist in the armed forces are admirable, the best way to honor those individuals on this holiday—and every day—is to stop sending them to war.


This pro-peace sentiment is often conflated with disrespect for the troops: If you don’t support the government’s wars, you must not support the soldiers fighting in them. However, considering the great cost to human life inflicted by military conflicts—the immense suffering soldiers, their families, and civilians in battleground countries endure—scaling back the size and scope of military programs is not only the best way to respect the troops but also a necessary measure to preserve liberty and freedom.



Though America was founded on the principles of limited government and skepticism of the state, popular political discourse and the politicians who perpetuate it too often fail to apply this wise distrust to militarism, which is an extension of government. Indeed, Memorial Day was established following the Civil War, where as many as 750,000 Americans died fighting each other on behalf of their splintered governments.


According to one 2015 estimate by PBS, over 1.1 million Americans have died fighting in wars throughout US history. In recent decades, especially, these wars have been spurred by state corruption. As General and President Dwight D. Eisenhower cautioned when he left office in 1961, observing the build-up of the defense industry following World War II:


In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.


Potential Ulterior Motives in Big Army Contracts


In the subsequent years, an arms industry dependent upon government funds grew bigger and increasingly powerful, gobbling up taxpayer dollars in the form of deals with the Department of Defense. In September 2018 alone, Boeing received 20 contracts worth $13.7 billion. In November 2018, Lockheed Martin scored a nearly $23 billion contract for F-35 jets. As with all big government programs, inefficiency, waste, and corruption have plagued this state-subsidized industry.


From the military paying $300,000 for coffee mugs or a projected $1.5 trillion over 55 years for Lockheed’s notoriously faulty F-35s, there are hardly any better examples of the perils of intrusive government than the current military establishment. In one instance, the Pentagon could not account for over $21 trillion dollars in “unsupported journal voucher adjustments,” a term that “refers to improperly documented accounting adjustments that are made when different financial ledgers do not match,” as the New York Times explains.


Further, a 2018 analysis by Neta Crawford, a Boston University professor of political science, found that by the end of fiscal year 2019, the US government will have spent $4.9 trillion dollars on wars since 9/11. This is particularly tragic when considering that all of the economic investment and human energy and innovation that goes into waging wars and sowing destruction could be better and more productively applied to peaceful endeavors that increase prosperity.

Anonymous ID: 71f27c May 27, 2019, 3:09 p.m. No.6603510   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3556 >>3663 >>3768

Tehran Says Ready for Creating Mechanism for Dialogue With Gulf States


Iran is ready to create a mechanism for dialogue with the Persian Gulf states to reduce existing tensions, Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Seyed Abbas Araqchi said on Monday.


Araqchi is currently on an official visit to Kuwait, during which he conveyed a message from Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif to Kuwaiti top diplomat Sheikh Sabah Al Khalid Al Sabah.


"The dialogue with regional states is a basis for the Iranian foreign policy and on this basis Iran is ready to create regional mechanisms for start of the dialogue and constructive cooperation with these countries," Araqchi said, as quoted by the Fars news agency.


He pointed out that the US policy posed a threat to the regional security.


On Sunday, Araqchi started a trip to the Persian Gulf countries, including Oman, Kuwait and Qatar, in an attempt to reduce tensions in the region.


The US-Iranian tensions flared up last year when the United States unilaterally withdrew from the 2015 nuclear agreement with Iran and started reinstating sanctions on the Islamic republic. On May 8, 2019, Iran announced its decision to partially discontinue its obligations under the nuclear agreement.


The United States has in recent weeks stepped up its forces in the Middle East in what US National Security Adviser John Bolton has called a clear and unmistakable message to Iran. The new US deployments in the region include an aircraft carrier strike group, Patriot missiles, B-52 bombers and F-15 fighters, according to the Pentagon.


Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has said that Iran does not intend to wage war with the United States, but will continue to resist Washington. Acting US Defence Secretary Patrick Shanahan has made similar remarks, saying the United States was not seeking war against Iran.

Anonymous ID: 71f27c May 27, 2019, 3:11 p.m. No.6603523   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3535 >>3556 >>3663 >>3768

Senate GOP vows to quickly quash any impeachment charges


GOP senators say that if the House passes articles of impeachment against President Trump they will quickly quash them in the Senate, where Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has broad authority to set the parameters of a trial.


While McConnell is required to act on articles of impeachment, which require 67 votes — or a two-thirds majority — to convict the president, he and his Republican colleagues have the power to set the rules and ensure the briefest of trials.


“I think it would be disposed of very quickly,” said Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.).


“If it’s based on the Mueller report, or anything like that, it would be quickly disposed of,” he added.


Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), an adviser to McConnell’s leadership team, said “nothing” would come of impeachment articles passed by the House.


Given the Senate GOP firewall, Cornyn, who’s also a member of the Judiciary Committee, said he doubts that Democrats will commence the impeachment process.


“It would be defeated. That’s why all they want to do is talk about it,” he said. “They know what the outcome would be.”


Republicans hold a 53-47 majority in the chamber, and Vice President Pence would cast the tie-breaking vote if necessary.


Senate Republicans say that an impeachment trial would be given the bare minimum amount of floor time.


“Why on earth would we give a platform to something that I judge as a purely political exercise?” said Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), another member of the Judiciary Committee. “We have to perform our constitutional duty, but if people think that we’re going to try and create a theater that could give you the perception that this is a matter that rises to the level of Watergate, that’s nonsense.”


Tillis said he would support McConnell bringing the impeachment process to a quick close, and that any kind of extended trial would be “rewarding what I view as bad behavior on the part of the House.”


Tillis, who is up for reelection next year, said many independents and moderates in his state are tired of impeachment talk.


National polls show that fewer than 40 percent of Americans support impeachment proceedings against Trump, while the majority oppose them.

Anonymous ID: 71f27c May 27, 2019, 3:33 p.m. No.6603649   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The real problem is Netanyahu, no one else - analysis


The IDF draft bill and reported disagreements between Liberman and the ultra-Orthodox parties is just an excuse for why Israel – for the first time in its history – may go back to elections.


What is the ideological difference between Likud and Blue and White? What disagreements does Benjamin Netanyahu have with Avigdor Liberman when it comes to the conflict with the Palestinians or economic reforms?


That’s right: None.

If that is the case then why are they not all joining together to form a coalition? The answer in two words: Benjamin Netanyahu.


The IDF draft bill and reported disagreements between Liberman and the ultra-Orthodox parties is just an excuse for why Israel – for the first time in its history – seemed on the verge, as of Monday afternoon, of going to elections just seven weeks after completing one.


Not only will this cost the country – at a time of a growing national deficit – billions of shekels, but it will lead to continued paralysis throughout the government. No legislation, no reforms, no new initiatives. Nothing.


Imagine if after the April 9 election the two biggest parties – Likud and Blue and White, each with 35 seats – joined together and formed a government. There wouldn’t be haredi parties in the government or others from the far-right or Left. It would be a government with 70 seats able to solve Israel’s pressing issues: the growing deficit, the rift with the Diaspora, and the lack of a civil marriage option, as well as what now seems to be the problem at the heart of the coalition talks – the IDF draft bill.


It would be a diverse government supported by more than 2.5 million Israelis who voted for the two parties, and one with the greatest chance of being stable and lasting an entire term – with similar ideologies, there would not be any reason to rock the boat. Moreover, it would be a government capable of accepting the upcoming Trump peace plan and, with confidence, make the needed concessions to the Palestinians.


So why doesn’t that happen? Because of Netanyahu. It is true that Israel has never been as close as it is now to calling another election so soon after the last one, but it is also true that Israel has never had a prime minister-designate whom the attorney-general has decided to indict, pending a hearing on October 2-3. This whole situation is unprecedented – the indictment, the coalition deadlock, and the legislation that Netanyahu wants to pass to undermine the judicial system and save himself from a trial.