Anonymous ID: bf701e May 27, 2019, 3:28 p.m. No.6603603   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Default soundtrack:


Navigating is not so easy, I've gotten stuck in Thessaloniki for some reason. Very reliable easy background listening.

Anonymous ID: bf701e May 27, 2019, 3:39 p.m. No.6603693   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I've been fighting towers and the like for 20 years. I'm telling you flat this Sacha Stone is an atrocious shill and poser. Check this for some of his nefarious connections:


Mark Steele who features in this video is also an extremely dodgy character. He's pursuing some personal vendetta with a UK council and is scaremongering about 5G as a cover, it seems. He's a weapons designer and knows some shit, but is definitely not to be trusted. Shot and paralysed a young girl when he was a bouncer. He looks the type.


Mr Barrie Trower, former UK intelligence agent and expert in microwave warfare, also quoted in this video, is the real deal. I met him in 2010. But seek out his own videos, avoid this one, it's sensationalist and is using the crucial 5G issue to push another agenda.

Anonymous ID: bf701e May 27, 2019, 3:41 p.m. No.6603709   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Threefold thyself, patriot (1/3)


A short essay on the Threefold Commonwealth concept of Rudolf Steiner.


The Threefold Social Order (TSO) or Threefold Commonwealth was the single greatest idea that Steiner tried to put forward. He had a newspaper of this name and published a book and many articles about it. His epic "Lectures on Lecturing" take the Threefold Order as their subject matter.


At the end of WW1, he made vast efforts to get the Threefold Order before the leaders of the world, to prevent another calamitous conflict. He instructed one of his closest associates, Walter Johannes Stein (of Spear of Destiny fame) to put a document to the King of Belgium. Stein moved heaven and earth through the chaos of war to do this. The document apparently ended up in one of the King's desk drawers and never made it to the peace talks agenda.


Maybe the best way to summarise the TSO is via the slogan Liberty! Equality! Fraternity! – an epigram with three exclamation marks has to be suspect. Steiner says, it's obvious that these principles are mutually contradictory. Each can only apply in its own appropriate realm.


Equality belongs in the legal/political domain, in which everyone is equal before the law, and all citizens have an equal right to participate in decision-making on issues that affect them. Everyone has an equal vote in the Rights Parliament, which makes the laws of the land.


Crucially, Steiner notes that you cannot actually buy or sell land. Access to land is a "right" and is properly administered by the Rights Parliament, rather than being subject to commercial vagaries. Under the old Turkish property law, you didn't buy a house – you bought the KEY to the house, the right of access. Many traditional systems of law around the world follow this principle.


Then you get the educational / cultural / religious domain, in essence the spiritual realm. Here Steiner says the watchword is Freedom, people must be free to follow their own destinies. And there should be an entirely separate Cultural Parliament, which is entirely devoted to the spiritual life of the nation, conducting business under the banner of liberty.


Finally, you get the economic realm, in which we all as a matter of necessity have to cooperate and work together, in order to create and distribute the goods and services we need to survive. Here, most crucially, there should be an Economic Parliament that is entirely devoted to this end. This forum should reflect all interests in the economy: consumers, workers, manufacturers, environmentalists. This "administration of things" is the entire final goal of Marxist government, operating on the principle of dialectical materialism. You can see exactly how trivial Marxism really is, when you lay it side-by-side with the TSO.


Instead of fighting for political power to get their voices heard, workers are represented as workers in the Economic Parliament, to get their input exactly where it is needed. Industry associations are the primary representatives of business in this forum. Each major industry will have its own association, in which workers, consumers, and managers are all represented. Industries that are expanding will be able to engage special training facilities to fast-track labour where it is needed. Industries that are declining will limit the number of start-ups in their field. In this way, the economy is kept flexible and responsive. Someone please put this idea to Donald Trump.


Industries these days – what Scott Adams calls "confusopolies" – already collude and form associations of all kinds to pursue their mutual interests. Economists now talk about "coopetition" – so-called competitors who cooperate in certain ways. This is a dim, dim recognition of the TSO.


Anonymous ID: bf701e May 27, 2019, 3:42 p.m. No.6603716   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Threefold thyself, patriot (2/3)


You may the Threefold Social Order is a good idea, but very impractical in the here and now.


I'm going to try show you in very short order, that you can invoke the TSO in yourself, right now, as you're sitting there, and that this is exactly the same as invoking the Holy Spirit to talk in tongues.


Q says: use logic.


Rudolf Steiner says: we are fighting the machine mind, Ahriman, fake news, lies, cleverness. This is not a fight against Lucifer. Poetry isn't going to help you here. You have to be logical. The devil really is in the details this time. Rudolf Steiner was Spiritual Q of his era.


I have quite a few friends who are serious charismatic Christians, talk in tongues. And are pillars of the community in every other way. I know what those churches sound like. There's very little Greek to move the Greeks or Mandarin to move the Chinese. It may sound powerful, and it's certainly a form of sound healing, but it's not logical argument. In another time and place, and another war, this kind of unconscious channeling might be appropriate. It's not what's called for now.


So how do you start speaking sense to people? How do you relate to them in a way that allows the gears to engage, for you to start communicating with them in a way that enlightens the poor fuckers? Because the world is clearly stumbling around in the darkness on the edge of a calamitous precipice, a recurring image on this forum.


This is why I say: Threefold thyself, patriot. Divide yourself into three: a political self, who seeks an equal voice in the forums of justice and the law; a spiritual self, who participates in the cultural and social life of the community on the basis of mutual freedom; and an economic self, basically seeking to work and do your part in turning the world over one more day, and just be professional, the highest form of respect you can show your fellow humans.


If you consciously practice this threefolding within yourself, you automatically align yourself properly with whomever you're talking to. In approaching economic life, you should speak in epic terms, be aware you are speaking of very real life-and-death concerns. In politics, you don't strive for "free" speech so much as "equal" speech. In cultural matters, you very properly fight for true freedom of thought.


The idiocy of trying to impose "equality" through schools is immediately exposed. Ditto for equality in the workplace. Enterprises are inherently unequal places, in the same way that families are. Different people have different responsibilities, different needs. If each participant knows where they fit in the structure, they won't feel like meaningless cogs in a vast machine. They will also know when they're not being provided with the resources to do their jobs, and there will be mechanisms for them to voice such frustrations in the appropriate forum.


It's a complete mystery as to why the TSO is so little known and so poorly understood. It can truly help you orientate yourself correctly within the social structure, pushing in the right way at the right place, instead of getting sidetracked on idiotic political distractions.


Actually, it's not such a mystery that the Threefold Commonwealth is so well hidden, but you may be surprised to know why. The truth is, it's in place right now, only well concealed. This is the real secret of the so-called Illuminati and how they rule us. No wonder they want it kept quiet.


Anonymous ID: bf701e May 27, 2019, 3:43 p.m. No.6603724   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Threefold thyself, patriot (3/3)


There's only one real precedent for the Threefold Social Order, and this is "Synarchy", as proposed by a certain Marquis Alexandre Saint-Yves d’Alveydre. You'll find his fingerprints all over the formation of the European Union: "At least the concept of the European Union is the product of an occult conspiracy, inspired by individuals who believed they were in contact with spirit entities, with the ultimate aim of establishing a full-blown United States of Europe in line with Joseph Alexandre Saint-Yves d’Alveydre’s original vision."


Synarchy also has a threefold structure. Separate secret societies will control (1) the economy; (2) cultural life, religion and education; and (3) politics and law: "Everywhere today it looks as if an attempt were being made to rule the world by some such Synarchic hierarchy of men, politically, religiously, and economically."


d’Alveydre printed a book titled "Mission de l'Inde" in 1885 with these ideas, which he then withdrew and destroyed all copies except one (another was secretly kept by the printer). There are exotic stories that he received a visit from the Secret Underground Chiefs, was told he was revealing too much of their secrets as to how they ruled the world and menaced with the "dagger of the initiates”. And he ceased and desisted. He himself said that "outside pressures forced a change of heart":


Take a look: d’Alveydre was the leading light behind the Priory of Sion and all that stuff. He's no lightweight. These are not small ideas being bandied about; and the European Union is a very real monster ruling a vast tract of the planet. And taking good care to meddle in the economic, cultural, and political lives of all its citizens.


What was that twat the EU put out the other day, urging people to vote: "The EU is peace. The EU is freedom. The EU is solidarity. The EU is diversity. The EU is human rights. The EU is opportunities." There you see it upfront, once you've stopped puking: opportunities; rights; freedom. Economics, politics, culture.


Once you know the script, you can read all the signs. Use logic. You sometimes hear people talking about the "three M's" used to control us: military, media, money. These folk know what they're talking about. Politics, culture, economics.


What Steiner is trying to do is take this extremely efficient threefold structure out of the shadows, and bring it into the open and make it public. The whole essence of d’Alveydre's thought was that a threefolded secret ruling elite should control everything. Instead of "equality", he had "hierarchy". Of course, worthy elites like himself would be in charge, they're never in doubt on that little point.


Look at the world today. You can see the contradictions bursting through the political, social, and economic structures. You can see people trying to articulate a different future. Take a really careful look, and you'll see that what they are really striving towards – mostly completely unconsciously – is the Threefold Order, a true separation of powers into autonomous realms. And this is a truly Christian concept, a trinity that is a unity, as Steiner so often emphasised. And yet this fantastic Christian wisdom is completely hidden from the world. It's time it came into the light.


You can keep the Rights Parliament in Washington DC, no need to waste those fancy buildings. The Cultural Parliament: how about New Orleans, birthplace of jazz, the one real bit of global culture the USA can claim. And the Economic Parliament can only be in one place for me, and it certainly isn't New York. I worked on business wires in another life and had Dow Jones ticking over on my screen. It was awesome to watch the world turn, Chilean copper prices and Zimbabwean maize futures. This is the world's most strategic information. Chicago is where the real business gets done. Every gangster knows that.


There's much more to the Threefold Social Order, not least in terms of the legal system and accommodating people of different cultures. It's not a Utopia. It just ensures that the appropriate people are making the appropriate decisions in the appropriate forums, instead of banging their heads together in totally useless ways. Really, American politics right now is not a good advertisement for democracy, it's threatening your very existence. Above all, you need good concepts to fix your institutions, not goodwill or fine words, or even ill will and foul words. Nothing's going to work, unless you truly now separate the powers.
