Anonymous ID: c85cf0 May 27, 2019, 2:58 p.m. No.6603437   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3438 >>3450 >>3516


Ok, let's assume your position. DECLAS happens. It stays behind the scenes. We don't see the information from it.


Meanwhile, normies see all of a sudden a bunch of Demonrat politicians and associates (with a few Republicants for good measure), media people, former Presidents, tons of FBI/DOJ/CIA/other alphabet agency employees (current and former) being arrested, with a great many of them charged with treason, sedition, and other high crimes, and yet no explanation as to the evidence found against them? Only some presser from AG Barr or whoever stating that based upon the evidence he's seen there were some serious crimes he is pursuing against these people.


Then, it gets more complicated for the normies when the military steps in and starts trying these people are military run tribunals instead of in our normal court system, all the while the damning DECLAS information remains hidden from them?


This doesn't fit what Q, Trump, and the gang have been doing the last several years in redpilling people to the horrible truth around us. It's been a slow, methodical approach, but necessary to keep those of us pissed off from taking up arms and doing it ourselves. We may not see 100%, sure, but to keep the majority of DECLAS material hidden from the public would only undermine their case for prosecuting these scumbags to the fullest extent of our laws because it would only fuel the fires of false narratives like Trump taking revenge against his political enemies instead of showing that Trump is destroying a very wicked deep state group. Sorry, not buying what your selling.


DECLAS will come when Q, Trump, and the gang know it will reach maximum impact on the average American mind to break them from their long deep state induced slumber.