Anonymous ID: f922e1 May 27, 2019, 3:28 p.m. No.6603606   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Here stand in the maelstrom,

Those people called Anons.

They are your family, your friends, your neighbors,

In America and beyond.


There is a change in the winds,

The horizon full of dark cloud.

A squall approaches quickly,

The gust shrieks shrill and loud.


The temperature falls with a sudden chill,

The angry rain pelts down,

The storm, my friends, has come ‘pon us,

Everyone wears a frown.


See in their eyes the confusion,

The fears that take control,

Those people who live in profusion

of ignorance, innocence, and toil.


You, Anons, stand in the center,

Your souls stilled by a calm,

When your friends and neighbors come calling,

Let your words be a comforting balm.


Remain steadfast to your knowledge,

Remember your duty remains,

We, Anons, must answer our calling,

To help keep our communities sane.


As the hurricane lashes all around,

In the midst you must stand,

Calm and still, be the eye of the storm,

A safe harbor close at hand.


For you, Anons, are entrusted,

With guiding the lost and the stray,

With kind persuasion you guide them,

To see a dawn not far away.


We know that our enemy shall wreak

Their violence, pestilence and fear.

Draw close your family and friends,

Be the oar by which they steer.


And though you have suffered much

To learn horrors by the innocent unseen,

And though you may not survive this,

To your duties you must be keen.

For us, Anons, tomorrow’s pointless,

Our today is already forfeit.

We give ourselves for our Country,

our God – the American Portrait.


When the battle is done, no one may say,

“That Anon lived his life for me.”

So be it; be thankful their tomorrow

Was, by our hands, made free.


We seek for ourselves nothing,

neither wealth, nor glory, nor fame,

We only pray Almighty God give us,

Our Country free of its shame.


Take heart, my fellow Anons,

Unto the breach we have ourselves thrown,

Though we may approach our own graves,

A glorious tomorrow by our hands will be sown.


So, stand to, Anons, and be ready

For the fight that these words portend.

With fortitude, steadfastness and cunning,

We shall see this war through to the end.