Anonymous ID: 1afcf2 May 27, 2019, 4:20 p.m. No.6603962   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3970 >>3999 >>4058


Eh, I dunno. Reminds me of this guy from an Andy Griffith episode. Virgil meant well, but was basically simple. Breaking stuff, wrecking stuff, upsetting people with miscommunications, just a mess.


You know the kind of guy I mean; everybody eventually just wants to tell him to sit still and be quiet, to stop the trainwreck.

Anonymous ID: 1afcf2 May 27, 2019, 5:01 p.m. No.6604254   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4280 >>4352 >>4462 >>4562 >>4569 >>4572



There is little doubt that POTUS Clinton would have expanded the massive illegal spying system she inherited from Obama. In my view, she would have also expanded its application to take down anyone she viewed as a threat.


Remember, Obama loved spying on Americans. This suited his ideological objectives, but also satisfied the sense of power his narcissism demanded. We know the Obama administration was spying on at least the Trump campaign team, between 2015-2017. But his illegal spying, in conjunction with Brennan, stretched as far back as at least 2010. They spied on journalists and their families. They spied on members of Congress. They spied on political rivals, famously unleashing a weaponised IRS onto them.


It's likely that thousands of innocent Americans were being spied on illegally, between 2008-2016.


Obama had already built a very powerful and illegal spying operation by 2016. Illegal tapping of the powerful NSA database was ongoing. In June 2013, Maxine Waters unwisely revealed that Obama had built his own powerful database, that no one knew about:


'The thing I think some people are missing here is the president has put in place an organization that contains the kind of database that no one has ever seen before in life. That’s going to be very, very powerful…that database will have information about everything on every individual in ways that it’s never been done before.'


In addition, the same people Obama used to target innocent Americans, would have been ready to go on day 1 for the new POTUS Clinton. Americans would have watched that team in action very early in a Clinton presidency, as she executed her first purge. This would have likely followed the MO they used on Donald Trump, Carter Page and General Flynn - framing them for things they need committed, using fabricated or manipulated evidence.


Clinton's first purge would have been particularly cruel, in my opinion. Donald Trump, his family, team and associates, as well as any donors would have been destroyed. Prominent conservative voices and cultural figures across the board would have been targeted, including anyone on social media that was deemed influential. Any political threats, including those in the military and intelligence communities, would have been taken out.


Be in no doubt, the Trump family would have been destroyed, framed as agents of Russia. Donald J Trump in particular, who the Clintons fear, would likely have been tried and found guilty of treason. Then removed from the equation, silenced and left to rot in solitary in a maximum security penitentiary.


Purges would have been a regular feature of Clinton's presidency, in my opinion. A cruel and vindictive woman with an evil soul, Clinton would likely have enjoyed them. In addition, they would have been an effective method of maintaining control over allies.

Anonymous ID: 1afcf2 May 27, 2019, 5:33 p.m. No.6604471   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Tim Young




Michael Avenatti gets arraigned twice tomorrow… for trying to extort Nike for $25 million AND stealing Stormy Daniels $297,000 book advance.


Couldn't happen to a nicer guy… or according to MSNBC and CNN a few months ago, someone who'd make a great President.