Anonymous ID: 3c3042 May 27, 2019, 5:21 p.m. No.6604384   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4449

Just told my ex about Q,, and,kek


First time i said more than a couple of words to them in over a decade.


I had to call them regarding another matter, and decided today( memorial day) is as a good of a day as any for redpilling.

In the past my ex had alcohol issues and totally fucked me over in divorce.

I wanted to tell them last year about Q, but thought just talking to them, would be like poking a beehive, and i wanted no part of that.

But i gathered up the courage today, and it actually went quite well.

They also apologized to me as well.

Guess i blew their mind, me being a huge Trump supporter, lmao ( i used to be a dem)

They love Trump and did not know anything about Q.

They are looking forward to seeing Clinton in jail..

Was very very interdasting, kek