Anonymous ID: b041e4 May 27, 2019, 5:37 p.m. No.6604494   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4527 >>4530 >>4536 >>4581

They stated they would kill me in the middle of the street..


Heard that before??


They said they would kill me like a frog in boiling water.. slowly unknowingly..


A frog? Hmm kek


I have seen whipper/Q following me and zooming off on his Harley many times while in Canada..


Nights I have been attacked..


Prove me wrong??


Where is the blue named anon??


These are very sick people..


Q raped my wife or turned her against me with spliced audio..


Similar to what happened to Nancy Pelosi recently..


Q has a gang called mod squad or


Punishers… ring a bell??


Does that sound good or kind to you???


Q is the anon with the blue name also.


Q and the blue named anon are not commenting because whipper is on the way back from Canada where he was trying to kill me to cover up his crimes..


Call the fbi let them know..


More calls the better!


Q is Sheriff Whipper Johnson from Saline County Illinois


Q is a Masonic lodge member


Q is in the mob


Q is a serial killer


Q kills and rapes people while they sleep


Q is a hacker


Q stole my ideas to save the world and sold many..


Q has been trying to kill me for over a year..


Q wants me dead because I am The Savior Christ Jesus.


Q is trying to be me, because Q is the antichrist..


Be warned!