Anonymous ID: 85a3df May 27, 2019, 6:59 p.m. No.6605045   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6603095 (PB)

That's in the 1st step of AA … the only one that is taken before arriving at the first meeting. It is nothing more than a statement about how we feel when we arrive.

You'll hear that shit around the tables, but you won't find it in the Big Book.

The reality is, no one who thinks they are still in control of their drinking or their lives shows up at an AA meeting – but "forever an innocent victim" was never a teaching of AA.

The very first sentence of the forward to the very first edition declares:

"We, the more than 100 alcoholics who have recovered'' from a ''seemingly' hopeless state of mind and body …"


Anything that contradicts those few words is psychobabble added later.

Anonymous ID: 85a3df May 27, 2019, 7:35 p.m. No.6605336   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6603095 (PB)

That's in the 1st step of AA … the only one that is taken before arriving at the first meeting. It is nothing more than a statement about how we feel when we arrive.

You'll hear that shit around the tables, but you won't find it in the Big Book.

The reality is, no one who thinks they are still in control of their drinking or their lives shows up at an AA meeting – but "forever an innocent victim" was never a teaching of AA.

The very first sentence of the forward to the very first edition declares:

"We, the more than 100 alcoholics who have recovered'' from a ''seemingly' hopeless state of mind and body …"


Anything that contradicts those few words is psychobabble added later.

>>6604087 (PB)

Little by little, normies are being primed to believe in UFOs. Impossible to know if they are being prepared for a >reality< that can no longer be denied OR if it is a means to prepare them for a >lie< too big to be denied.

I think that the probabilities favor this being a reality, but any group able to build DUMBS without arousing suspicion would likely find this delusion within their capacities, too.

>>6604107 (PB)

I've seen that before in a video of a chick in Boston … she's having a bad trip, but I don't recall the name of the drug. She needs help. NOW. The person taking the photo is an ass. He had a phone in his hand but doesn't seem to have called 911 or he wouldn't have tried to inch past her.