Anonymous ID: 93187c May 27, 2019, 6:21 p.m. No.6604779   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4789 >>4823 >>4826 >>4960 >>5026 >>5085 >>5091 >>5095 >>5103 >>5125 >>5241 >>5338

World Health Organization drops transgender from list of mental disorders


The World Health Organisation (WHO) has passed legislation that will no longer categorise being transgender as a mental health condition. The move has been said to have the potential to ‘liberate’ trans and non-binary people worldwide, making the route to legal transition draw closer. The decision was approved on Friday 25 May by the World Health Assembly, the WHO governing body that represents 194 member states, and should trickle down to national policies. However, an evolving scientific understanding of gender and numerous advocates and transgender activists around the world speaking up for the lives of trans people have been key in seeing this result. Graeme Reid, LGBT rights director at Human Rights Watch said: ‘The WHO’s removal of “gender identity disorder” from its diagnostic manual will have a liberating effect on transgender people worldwide. ‘Governments should swiftly reform national medical systems and laws that require this now officially outdated diagnosis.’ While mental health issues play no part in a person’s gender identity, Graeme Reid said that oppression of trans people can cause suffering.


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Anonymous ID: 93187c May 27, 2019, 6:28 p.m. No.6604830   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4854 >>4911 >>4955 >>4960 >>5026 >>5241 >>5338

How Bill Gates Destroyed the SAT


William Henry Gates III, more commonly known as Bill Gates, has wielded the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as a tool for wrecking education with Common Core and has hijacked the College Board, which began as a conclave of elite college leaders, into pursuing his radical social and political agendas.


The downfall of the College Board began when it picked David Coleman, a Gates alumnus who had played a significant role in writing Common Core standards, as its new president. Coleman, a Rhodes Scholar, the son of a Bennington College president and New School dean, had degrees from Yale, Cambridge and Oxford. By the age of 25, he was working at McKinsey as an educational consultant.

The rest of the story was an escalator ride through the consulting industry that destroyed education.

Coleman’s interviews are littered with claims of wanting to teach in public school, but instead he built a consulting firm that scored contracts with public schools. The consultancy was acquired by the McGraw-Hill behemoth, and Coleman moved on to founding a non-profit, with funding from the Gates Foundation, where he played a key role in creating the Gates-approved Common Core standards.


In 2012, Coleman became the president of the College Board. Even though the professional educational consultant had never actually taught, he had been put in charge of school and then college standards.

A year later, Stefanie Sanford, the Gates Foundation’s policy director, was brought on as the Board’s head of policy, erasing the distinctions between Gates and the College Board, already funded by Gates.

Stefanie’s official mission was pursuing “equity” in education on behalf of minority students.

The collapse of SAT standards began with the official Gates hijacking of the College Board. The new dumbed down test reduced the number of multiple-choice answers, eliminated penalties for guessing, disposed of many vocabulary words, and made the essay portion optional.

And, most importantly, from the Gates Foundation perspective, it integrated with Common Core.


The College Board makes $77 million a year, with as much as a billion in assets, and Coleman earns his $900,000 salary, from giving tests.


The progressive nobles dispense college access like medieval barons throwing gold coins to beggars.


The SAT exists because nearly a century ago, the College Board understood that giving tests was giving opportunity. The attacks on standardized testing is an attempt at deciding who truly deserves them.

A free country can only be maintained as a meritocracy. Anything else lapses into the same game of charitable nobles and hopeless peasants that Coleman and the College Board are playing with the SAT.

Standardized testing brought into being a meritocracy by reaching into decrepit ghettos and impoverished valleys to discover and educate Thomas Jefferson’s “aristocracy of virtue and talent”.

Jefferson opened a door. Bill Gates is welding it shut.


The article also discusses the 'adversity score'…

Anonymous ID: 93187c May 27, 2019, 6:38 p.m. No.6604910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5026 >>5241 >>5338

Subway rider lied about anti-gay attack, was actually aggressor: cops


A Manhattan straphanger who claimed to have been attacked by two men yelling gay slurs was actually the one doing the attacking, according to police.

Cops say the 25-year-old, who has not been identified, set upon the two men at the Chambers St. station in Tribeca while on an uptown A train.

They had gotten into a verbal altercation before things got physical, the young man originally alleged.

Police interviewed multiple people, however, who witnessed the incident and said the straphanger was the aggressor. Video obtained by police allegedly shows him spitting at subway riders when the suspects-turned-victims step in and try to stop him.

Cops believe the man was drunk and that no gay slurs were ever made. He suffered a laceration to his head while being subdued, according to officials.

Police don’t plan to file any charges.


No consequences.

Anonymous ID: 93187c May 27, 2019, 6:55 p.m. No.6605015   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Paradise Flag Tradition Carries on During Memorial Day


PARADISE, Calif. - A parade of flags lined the Skyway this Memorial Day, which is part of an annual Paradise tradition.

While the stretch of flags is smaller than before the Camp Fire, volunteers were able to put up 85 flags Monday morning.

Many volunteers, including help from the Daughters of the American Revolution, put up the flags along the road. They are still working on getting a new home to store the flags, though, according to a Facebook post.

They're also hoping to get back to the 1,100 hundred flags that once lined the roadway each Memorial Day and Veteran's Day.


Included a Parade of Flags video from 2013 in case anyone wants to see what Paradise used to look like. Just a small town with much love for veterans (and MAGA).