Anonymous ID: 4e8f21 May 27, 2019, 8:29 p.m. No.6605787   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6604659 PB on Retired NSA Director Mike Rogers Joining Israeli Cyber Foundry Team 8 (A team of former leaders of Israels Military intelligence unit 8200)


Did Admiral Rogers Join the team 8 unit 8200 so he could upload an attack program to blind the C_A????


>Q 2013


>CIA Satellite Offline


If he did this, it would explain maybe why Israel is saved for last. CIA is rogue because it is a compartmentalized organization, where the good guys are working on projects with the black hats doing their secret criminal crap right down the hall and no one is the wiser.. not even the CIA internal people.

This creates a situation that is ripe for black hat pockets of criminal activity by the global government.

MKUltra. Child Sex slave trades, gun running, and drug running to get cash for the globalists because they are not a legitimate government… so they have no legitimized tax base to draw on to hire for their criminal activities.


The CIA is an ACTIVE infiltrating organization with human assets, as opposed to the NSA, which is a data scoop for the most part.

But the NSA can watch the CIA and locate the black pockets of criminals by scooping up their emails, phone calls, etc, it appears.


So, since every nation with a CIA of its own, probably has the very same problem with illegal Intelligence activity, because of criminal globalist infiltration…. Maybe these former leaders of Israel's military intelligence need to build their own NSA to get a handle on their own CIA bad guys?


And, or, maybe to their horror, Israel is discovering it is the hub of many of the pockets of illegal intelligence activity around the world the way we are discovering that our CIA has been doing horrible things on behalf of the globalist criminals?


We can only assume for the sake of the hypothesis, but, if this is the case, and Israel former military intelligence wants to put the globalists in their place, then the Mike Rodgers hypothesis presented by OP could make sense.


What if every intelligence agency was required to be spied upon by their own nation in the way of scraping up every communication of the actors in said agencies?

Would this bring the agencies back in the white hat zone, prevent criminal people from lying to national leaders and presidents to help the globalists start wars? Remember…. "Weapons of Mass Destruction" CIA headline lies?


Would the world be a safer place if those who claim secrecy is necessary …..had to live with limits to their secret behavior without "blowing cover" for white hat agents? Blowing cover on human agents is after all their excuse.

Anonymous ID: 4e8f21 May 27, 2019, 8:51 p.m. No.6605931   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5972 >>5990

>>6604716 PB Critical issue: buying of American farmland by foreign corporations. The States have ZERO clue as far as I can tell.


Folks, this is so serious that 7 years ago I went to the tax department due to conversations around our farm town that the Chinese were buying farm land in Ohio. They were also using Haliburton as a front company to go around buying up natural gas well leases.


They were buying so much that people actually talked about the day the Chinese owned it all, and decided one year not to plant.


So I went down to the tax department to find out how much land was foreign owned.

They said keeping track of that information in the form of maps had been handed off to a "private company" with offices across the street, and pointed out the window.


Private land being bought, and the tax department is not keeping tabs on who is doing the buying????? Private companies keeping track of who owns what in America?

Who OWNS THOSE private companies I wondered?


Yea, so I went across the street to the "office".


The door was locked, but you could see in.

There were two chairs, and a big plastic 2x8 table… like you would see in a wedding…. couple boxes on the floor in the corner.



The states have no clue who is buying America as far as I can tell, because they have handed that information collection over to secret corporations without offices, who are also possibly foreigners….

……and mebbe tomorrow I will go ask again, so I can get the companies NEW fly by night address.. see if I can get pictures of empty offices for anons.


Went to the official map office. Those maps have big land tracts that are owned by "trusts" and American law says you can not know the "beneficiaries" of a trust if they are not named. SO, you can know that huge tracts of land in America are being bought by nameless trusts. I think many of these are family farms who have used the trust to keep the farms from being lost as a defense system while Americans could not get the word out about these habbenings.

But, I am sure that the foreigners use trusts also, and we would never know?

Anonymous ID: 4e8f21 May 27, 2019, 9:01 p.m. No.6605990   🗄️.is 🔗kun




OK, Will do it. It is not hard.

Also want to mention that I was so mad on that day, I literally called an Ohio representative I knew, and had a conversation with him about what I had learned about this empty office and what the tax department told me.


He was floored. He said he would check into it.

Crickets since.

Wanna bet he was warned not to even talk about it by "the powers that be"??