Anonymous ID: 605302 May 27, 2019, 9:48 p.m. No.6606265   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6295 >>6304


There are many places that have more square feet of office/industrial space below ground than they have above.

Dates back to Cold War, to avoid satellite observation.

Was dual-purpose: underground is much easier to air-condition for employees than above, especially out in the desert.

Lockheed Skunk Works guys used to call their desert location "Paradise" because it was such an utter shithole. Grim.

See "Area 51", Annie Jacobsen, also material from Kelly Johnson and Ben Rich


My late dad <3 RIP

Anonymous ID: 605302 May 27, 2019, 10:33 p.m. No.6606532   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6617 >>6632 >>6801 >>6847 >>6867

Some more Wendy Sherman. Still trying to find out wtf happened to her career to jettison her from social worker/community organizer (eyeroll) to Undersecretary of State. Looks like your garden-variety Jewish Marxist to me. Maybe she wants a thank you note from the city of Baltimore, for her family's direct hand in fucking it over.


"My father listened to a Rosh Hashanah sermon from our rabbi, who had been a chaplain during World War II and had been there when Dachau was liberated. And it made him wonder what ministers and priests had really said to their congregations as Jews were being rounded up. And the rabbi had just recently been arrested trying to integrate an amusement park in Baltimore and thought he owed his congregation an explanation. He said, for me, it is my obligation to make sure that African-Americans are not discriminated in the city of Baltimore.


So my father asked him what he could do. And he said, well, you could advertise open housing in the city of Baltimore, and my father said, well, that will cost me my business. There were no open housing laws at the time. And he said, well, you asked what you could do. This is what you can do. So he talked with my mother. They agreed to do it. Within six months, he had lost 60 percent of his business. He got some of that back, partly from the NAACP and Baltimore neighborhoods, which was trying to integrate neighborhoods without blockbusting. He helped Frank Robinson find a place to live, a very valuable…


MARTIN: The Orioles great, yes.


SHERMAN: …Oriole. But by 1968, his business had closed. It taught me that courage is an extraordinary thing. It can make change and make a difference, but you have to be ready to pay the price."


Still digging for dirt…

Anonymous ID: 605302 May 27, 2019, 10:59 p.m. No.6606654   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6878

Georgianon here

Hot weather arrived and with it, the annual spate of brown people drowning


Black people, Hispanics seem hypnotically drawn to pools and lakes, even though


Local news can hardly keep track of the Darwin Award winners


Either take swimming lessons, or stay the hell away from water.

I have never understood why this is incomprehensible to brown people.

Anonymous ID: 605302 May 27, 2019, 11:10 p.m. No.6606699   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Listening to Adm. Rogers speaks makes my hair stand on end.

If only I'd heard words like his in 1982

If only anyone even knew what "cyber" was in 1982

Would give everything I have to go back and start again, working under someone like him.

If only I wasn't too old now.

Anonymous ID: 605302 May 27, 2019, 11:46 p.m. No.6606855   🗄️.is đź”—kun



Here, as well


4 AM talking point is… UFO's?

UFO's is the Left's fallback plan?

We're not actually supposed to be surprised about this, are we?

Meh. Exactly what is any individual person supposed to DO about it, anyway?

Okay, aliens. Fine. We still have to pay the bills, do our jobs, and make dinner.