Anonymous ID: c6ea65 May 27, 2019, 9:57 p.m. No.6606317   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6340 >>6344

>>6605442 PB Bill Gates, Spanish Flu, and a possible Mycoplasma connection?


I read a story about 5 years ago that the Spanish flu happened because a group of American troops on the way to spain were test vaccinated on the ship on the way to Spain. When our soldiers were very sick, they landed in Spain, which spread the flu in THAT country. Might be worth a google to see if that story about the first flu virus tests is still out there, but, I am betting it has been scrubbed.

Based on what I am reading in your post, there is an equal possibility that the Spanish flu is not a flu, but, a mycoplasma. It is a stretch, but, the fybromyalgia thing leaves suspect finger prints for this anon. I would definitely check the hypothesis if I had a lab. This may have been "Spanish mycoplasma", but we did not know about mycoplasma until this past 12 years or so really…..


On the fibromyalgia thing. Mycoplasma is a brand new organism that is being investigated now, and similar to a virus, it uses the host DNA construction equipment inside the cell to replicate.

Unlike a virus, it is alive, but has no cell wall. Antibiotics kill by attacking the cell wall. Mycoplasma is like a jelly fish, and extremely small. It can not be seen. It must be sequenced using it's DNA.

NO Vaccine is tested for these new types of organisms. We are not even certain yet how they will be classified. Bacteria? Virus? Given it's own new classification?


It is interesting to note that autoimmune diseases this past 12 years have been linked to mycoplasma. I have gotten rid of my arthritis using 10ppm home generated nano silver (Not colloidal) this past 2 years (Guinea pigged the hypothesis, and won). I cant undo the damage to my bones, as that is permanent, but pain, swelling and progression is gone. IT is not getting worse.

Arthritis is autoimmune, and this form has now been traced to active virulent mycoplasma infection.

See also golf war vets syndrome, lyme disease,(The tick carries the microbe, the microbe carries the mycoplasma. The antibiotics kill the microbe, but not the mycoplasma it carries, from which we get the long term symptoms)

See also mycoplasma and chronic fatigue.


About six of the mycoplasmas now have names and disease associations. This past year, about 102 have been sequenced so far, but, not named yet.. just have numbers, and no idea what diseases they may be causing.


Many are resident without harm, like ecoli. But a number can turn virulent.. just like ecoli.


We have been injecting them in the vaccines because we simply did not know they existed until about 12 years ago.

First and only one known for years was tuberculosis.

Another recently found was Mycobacterium Avium Paratuberculosis (MAP), which causes Johne's disease in cattle, (carried cream of milk specifically) and has been traced by DNA sequencing to chrohns disease in humans. So, I would recommend that people with chrohns try the nano silver for a year or so, see what happens. (NOT Colloidal silver. Nano silver must be made at home, not on the market. Look up the "Silver Edge".


This MAP learned how to survive pasteurization, so they had to start "Ultra pasteurization". (pic related)

Anonymous ID: c6ea65 May 27, 2019, 10:12 p.m. No.6606409   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6426


Did you read what I wrote? Neither is Tuberculosis new, which is a mycoplasma. That is "old"…. true. We have KNOWN about it a long time. But we have only recently been able to sequence the different kinds of mycoplasma since we could sequence anything… like the Human genome project. SO, since that project was first, starting in the 80's, in a relative sense, mycoplasma is new.

Anonymous ID: c6ea65 May 27, 2019, 10:16 p.m. No.6606441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6606


You may be right. No way for us to know really. But, what catches my attention is the high Influenza A antibodies in the fibromyalgia patients in the article from OP. Fibromyalgia has a huge mycoplasma component also.


A virus would not carry a mycoplasma. A bacteria carries a mycoplasma.

Now, here is a thought…

Can a mycoplasma carry a virus?

Anonymous ID: c6ea65 May 27, 2019, 10:25 p.m. No.6606487   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6492 >>6512 >>6535 >>6589


Talmud NOT (not) Jewish bible.

It is a commentary on the Jewish bible built on strange oral tradition after the 70AD temple destruction by the Romans deprived the Jewish people of a place to atone for sin, and WELL AFTER Jerusalem was invaded by Arab Gentiles worshiping the moon God, Allah.

Half of Talmud was written 150 AD

Other half written about 500 AD.


Jewish bible is the Tenekh or Tenakh which come from the same ancient scrolls as the Christian Old Testament, but a few are in different order.

This fact brought rise to the term "Judaeo-Christian" because facts are facts, and the Christian bible is Judaeo-Christian.


So, do not believe non Jews who attempt to tell you what the Jewish bible is (unless they are Christians who know something about the origins of the bible they read).