Anonymous ID: f22532 May 27, 2019, 11 p.m. No.6606659   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6669 >>6673 >>6692



To Our dear Q Brothers & Sister In Japan


'''We grieve with you. We share your pain.

Our hearts bleed with you. Our Japanese family.

Anon voices cry out to the Heavens in prayer;

That comfort & peace may surround and enfold you.

At this time of wicked terrible tragedy.'''


Where We Grieve One We Grieve All.

Anonymous ID: f22532 May 27, 2019, 11:11 p.m. No.6606703   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6745

Attacker kills schoolgirl, injures 17 others in mass stabbing in Japan


Why are Anons not surprised?

Is this a message to Abe & POTUS?

Is this the deep state/cabal/enemy lashing out?

It all seems so very timely doesn't it?

Seems to fit a pattern of depravity that we have seen before.

Perhaps the wonderful pics of Q-Jap family welcoming POTUS in numbers,

Was another knot of fear added to their evil stomachs?

Justice is coming & this act is another deep that will be answered for I am sure.


Let's see how the MSN cover this barbaric act.

Spin, Lie, Obfuscate, Spin.

But Anons know…….

Anonymous ID: f22532 May 27, 2019, 11:13 p.m. No.6606714   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6722 >>6801 >>6847 >>6867

Attacker kills schoolgirl, injures 17 others in mass stabbing in Japan


Why are Anons not surprised?

Is this a message to Abe & POTUS?

Is this the deep state/cabal/enemy lashing out?

It all seems so very timely doesn't it?

Seems to fit a pattern of depravity that we have seen before.

Perhaps the wonderful pics of Q-Jap family welcoming POTUS in numbers,

Was another knot of fear added to their evil stomachs?

Justice is coming & this act is another deep that will be answered for I am sure.


Let's see how the MSN cover this barbaric act.

Spin, Lie, Obfuscate, Spin.

But Anons know…….

Anonymous ID: f22532 May 27, 2019, 11:27 p.m. No.6606774   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6780 >>6791 >>6801 >>6823 >>6847 >>6855 >>6867

Amazing new Kit to soon be made public?==


Navy Pilots Were Seeing UFOs on an Almost Daily Basis in 2014 and 2015: Report


I don't believe in Alien conspiracies and the various long debunked nonsense we often see and hear from the UFO community.

But I trust Mil Pilots! So if it isn't Aliens; just what are they seeing? What are WE bloody flying?

And when will we see a partial declass?

Coz it looks like some special kit! Great ships indeed!


The unidentified flying objects look like white Tic Tacs, or spinning tops flying against the wind — and Navy pilots keep reporting their presence over U.S. airspace. In interviews with the New York Times, five more pilots have come forward describing their experiences with UFOs flying off the Eastern seaboard from Virginia to Florida between 2014 and 2015.


One ten-year veteran, Lieutenant Ryan Graves, claimed that he saw UFOs almost daily, and that the objects could reach hypersonic speeds and heights of up to 30,000 feet without any visible engine or plumes of infrared exhaust. Graves, who reported his experience to the Pentagon and Congress said that “These things would be out there all day,” and that “With the speeds we observed, 12 hours in the air is 11 hours longer than we’d expect.”


In late 2014, a pilot of a Super Hornet reported a near collision with a UFO, when an object, which looked like a “sphere encasing a cube,” zipped between two fighter jets flying around 100 feet apart from each other. Another pilot, Lieutenant Danny Accoin, could identify a flying object’s presence on his radar, missile system, and infrared camera, but was not able to actually see it in his helmet camera. “I knew I had it, I knew it was not a false hit,” Accoin said. But still, “I could not pick it up visually.”


As the Times reports, pilot sightings of UFOs have increased since “their 1980s-era radar was upgraded to a more advanced system. As one fighter jet after another got the new radar, pilots began picking up the objects, but ignoring what they thought were false radar tracks.”


Much More here:

Anonymous ID: f22532 May 27, 2019, 11:30 p.m. No.6606788   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6794


Yes but not aliens though.

just amazing advanced tec that can no longer be hidden.

can't wait to see!

I remember the stealth bomber unveiling how amazing that was.

This will be even more bananas!


Anonymous ID: f22532 May 27, 2019, 11:41 p.m. No.6606837   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If one takes the silliness away, it's just ace ships like the stealth was or higher number F's that 'didn't make it'.

really hope we get something to study soon.
