Anonymous ID: 058918 May 27, 2019, 11:56 p.m. No.6606897   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6923 >>6930 >>6953 >>6961 >>6972 >>6980 >>6990 >>6994 >>7012 >>7023 >>7025 >>7027 >>7054 >>7179 >>7204 >>7223 >>7317 >>7329 >>7354 >>7370 >>7396 >>7399 >>7480 >>7532 >>7564 >>7576 >>7653 >>7698 >>7717 >>7723




The more I watch the bumbling of Pelosi & Schumer…

The more I watch the positions of Dem 2020 Candidates…

The more I watch the censorship of Big Tech Giants…

The more I watch the hatred from the Fake News Media…


The more convinced I become that they are acting.

And their job is to either "KILL" or "BE KILLED".

They must kill the machine they created by [[x]] date.

Or their EXECUTION will be carried out via {{y}} date.


Let's examine the situation as a logical observer.

This theory is only possible if select tribunals happened.

And Q waited to start posting until AFTER these trials.

You would only need to target about 20-30 people total.


Congress - Schumer, Mitch, Graham, Pelosi, Ryan, etc…

Candidates - Sanders, Biden, Harris, Booker, etc…

Tech - Gates, Bezos, Zuck, Schimdt, Dorsey, Cook, etc…

Media - CNN, FOX, NBC, ABC, CBS, WaPo, NYT, etc…


The smallest group possible at the highest level possible.

These are highly astute seasoned political operatives.

That suddenly completely "forgot" how to play the game.

Something must be forcing "their" odd behavior.


Q said "no one gets a free pass".

Q said "no deals".

Q also said "hostages, not deals".

So we know hostages are a possibility.


What if they were tried in a military tribunal?

As an enemy combatant under War Powers Act.

And these trials were held as early as Jan 21, 2017.

Way sooner than any of us actually realized.


What if the hostages agreed to the following?

You are sentenced to "death for treason", unless…

You complete your assignment by acting in a role…

If you fail, or talk, or stop, you die (NoName, GHWB).


Q said "we can hear you breathing".

Imagine a "kill switch" with a proximity detonator.

If you get "too far" from your Blackwater Security.

You suddenly have a giant "heart attack", etc…


Now also imagine that to qualify as a hostage…

You agree to confess on camera and be tracked.

You agree to give control of social media accounts.

You agree to make select "public" appearances.


But most of all, you agree to act a certain role.

A role that wakes America up to your hypocrisy.

A role that ensure the destruction of your ideology.

A role that saves the most innocent lives.


Mueller - Make sure SC looks biased and corrupt.

May - Take so long on Brexit that the UK wakes up.

Media - Hate Trump so much your ratings plummet.

You get the idea. Kill or be killed. Hostages.


If the DNC was really trying to win the 2020 election,

They would tell the media to politely ignore Trump.

They would lie about their true stance on abortion.

They would act centrist, and slide left after elected.


Yet not one of these things has happened.

Which means someone is forcing "their" behavior.

Which means Q+ is absolutely in total control.

And likely has been from before the 1st Q post.


You decide.

Anonymous ID: 058918 May 28, 2019, 12:25 a.m. No.6606997   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7029


Hostages are perfectly legal if…

  1. They were convicted legally.

  2. They were offered a legal choice.

  3. They accepted that offer legally.

Q has made it clear that laws are not being broken.

Anonymous ID: 058918 May 28, 2019, 12:29 a.m. No.6607010   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7013 >>7034


I am not suggesting that justice will not be served fully and completely. However, the prime goal is three-fold to (i) ensure justice and (ii) protect innocents and (iii) avoid global recessions.


This is very complicated. Since the good guys have it all, I will assume they can administer justice fairly and as transparently as possible while adhering to the three-fold goals.

Anonymous ID: 058918 May 28, 2019, 12:39 a.m. No.6607032   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7040


Obviously some MILITARY TRIBUNALS have already occurred because of NoName and GHWB. I will presume the ones that harmed children get no mercy. The others get a chance at jail time versus execution.

Anonymous ID: 058918 May 28, 2019, 12:43 a.m. No.6607042   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7056


Also to let world catch up…


Alliance now includes…











Plus we now control FYES







Plus we have trapped…









And now EU is falling apart.

And China is losing trillions.

And so on.

Anonymous ID: 058918 May 28, 2019, 12:46 a.m. No.6607047   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7048 >>7050


"Hey Zuck, now that you've been convicted of treason, as a hostage we will need you to keep up the pretext that you are still in charge and a super rich billionaire so that all the censorship and fraud and C_A privacy scams you commit can get blamed on you to foster a public demand for IBOR. Do you agree or would you rather face the firing squad tomorrow?"