Timestamp anon here-just trying to get people to see a different perspective on the Q Clock. I've thought for some time that the clock winds counter-clockwise as a grandfather clock does. Further, I've felt for some time that once the clock starts, it must continue running, but in order to do so, it must also continue to be wound. My theory for well over a year now is that the first Q drop should start at the 40 Minute mark and wound counter-clockwise…would bring it to 00 on 12/7/17. I've also felt for the past month or so that seconds matter. Therefore, I started looking at all the second markers and it was surely enlightening. For example, here's some timestamps for 10/29/17. If the clock starts as other clock anons felt it started at the 20 min. mark and runs clockwise…the same results do not apply as there are different markers. As I started to work the second timestamps with the minute timestamps, I saw a definitive pattern (kinda like candy crush game). I started an entire spreadsheet going way back to the beginning. It has been grueling and still not complete, but it surely is interesting. The tab/sheet is labeled 'Clock Timestamps CC', which infers counter-clockwise. I know that there's now a timestamp app somewhere, but I've continued to keep the spreadsheet since 11/1/17 of all timestamps. I think you'll find it very informative. Please forgive the formatting of the google spreadsheet, as I have no control over that. Here's the link, for those interested. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/edit?usp=sharing