I believe that it is a civil tort arising out of the publication of harmful (reputation, character, etc.) which is proven to be wrong. In the event that the plaintiff/victim is a "public figure" (generally well known) the false material has to be published with knowledge that it is incorrect or untruthful, or with a reckless disregard of its truthfulness..
"Slander" is the verbal utterance, etc. Now, a guest or host on a news show could be liable for slander (personally and the corp entity in most cases) and the network corp could be guilty for libel as well if it airs or broadcasts an untruth or does so with a reckless disregard in the case of a public figure. I believe that the seminal case is the Sup Ct NYTs publishing the Pentagon Papers.
Just to get "the scoop" on a soon to become public major story, anon. Why else would any crumbs be dropped by Q. Q has already dropped a non-denial denial about the matter.
The entire "Crowdstrike" story, who the father and son Alperocich were and WHO helped CS to become the IC's and MI's foremost expert on cyber-security will prove to be a major scandal in of itself. I find it hard to believe that Crowdstrike's meteoric ascent was merely due an outwitted govt official or group of officials. Can't but believe there was a bad actor or mole involved.
Kek. You know you've got a problem when there is an anon consensus that you suffer from paranoia.
Make a six-inch durable "QAnon" or "Q" stencil. Buy a case of biodegradable (legal) reflective (or not) but highly visible spray paint. Buy a cheap ninja outfit and black backpack. Put gear in backpack along with a 10 lb stone. Set alarm for 1:30 AM. Take your bike out and "paint your Town/City red". Make your way back home, unfolllowed. Shower, enjoy a couple of boat drinks or a nice fatty, then take a nap. Wake up and secretly enjoy the fireworks. Begin weekend trips to other towns/cities. Wash/Rinse/Repeat. Don't get caught. Don't "deface" or do anything illegal.