“…In the lead-up to the 2020 election everything points to both sides TAKING NO PRISONERS. That’s because only a slash and burn war strategy will secure victory, especially given the all-out war raging inside the Beltway.
The Democrats know that President Trump has the evidence on ALL of them to prove ongoing sedition and outright treason. The DEMs are so desperate they’re still attempting to carry out a soft coup IN BROAD DAYLIGHT.
Therefore, short of an assassination attempt, Deep State’s primary weapon is impeachment. Even though a Senate conviction cannot happen given the GOP majority, the DEMs need a stirring political drama to use against Trump to preclude his re-election.
Speaker Pelosi is merely biding her time before she pulls out the “impeachment card”. When there is a critical of mass of support within the Democrat caucus, and more RINOs have joined that cause, Pelosi will call Trump in this high-stakes poker game.
It’s of paramount importance for patriots to understand that dirty cop Robert Mueller was empowered by Deep State to launch his corrupted investigation for 2 main reasons.
First, to use the DoJ to dig up dirt on Trump’s businesses that could then serve as evidence which would be farmed out to the various jurisdictions where he operated (e.g. United States District Court for the Southern District of New York). Deep State Democrats knew the Russiagate witch hunt was utterly fake but used it as cover to go after Trump in every other way possible, which they did. Once they turned Trump’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen, and raided his home and office for evidence, they acquired a treasure trove of sensitive information which can be used in ways that only the FBI can do.
Secondly, Deep State knew from the very beginning that Trump would fall into their ‘obstruction trap’, which he did. Even though Trump was just twittering Trumpese, the Deep State co-conspirators knew that it would not take much for him to use language that could be legally construed as “obstruction”. However, given the abundance of hard evidence proving sedition, Trump has the perfect excuse for attempting to stop the patently obvious Democrat coup d’état. What else is a POTUS to do except OBSTRUCT a coup d’état by every means necessary?! Although some of Trump’s many RUSSIAgate proclamations may technically and legally fit into an obstruction charge, his “mens rea” was clearly a very strong desire to thwart a white-collar insurrection.
After all, Obama & Company did everything possible to steal the election from Trump, just as they have transparently attempted to overthrow his administration since Inauguration Day. It’s quite inconceivable that Trump is still in office given the relentless communist insurgency since Election Day 2016.
The “real beauty” of this unparalleled coup is that the American people have been witnessing the Democrat crimes and corruption — during prime time — since Trump first declared his candidacy in June of 2015. Hence, the Democrats have been given a LOT of rope to hang themselves, which is exactly what they have all done.
One wonders how they could have been so stupid and so clueless while conducting a coup against a sitting POTUS?! Essentially, these Soros-funded purple revolutionaries allowed themselves to be videoed and recorded at their multi-location crime scene throughout the country.”