Anonymous ID: c54661 May 28, 2019, 3:35 a.m. No.6607330   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7347

>>6605401 pb


Some time ago the image of Petraeus with the alleged female was a doctored photo

Washington Post.

image related. Notice the missing stomach on the dude-ette whom Petraues allegedly did? Emails?

I couldn't figure out, at the time, why they would doctor it.

As an aside. the images of WJ Clinton with Monica were also fake/ cut and pasters.

[Perhaps Clinton was also framed? Because?]


Another thing which speaks for Petraeus?

George "Webb" Sweigert, self-described MOS, spoke endless dirt on him.

>>6604786 pb

should be Notable Baker


US to UK docs requesting renewed surveillance; Crossfire Hurricane = Fulsome?

Anonymous ID: c54661 May 28, 2019, 4:02 a.m. No.6607396   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7426







I feel this theory is a "5th Wheel" Un-necessary to explain what is happening.

It's possible, but far-fetched, for that reason.

Acting just isn't that easy for the un-trained. Remember POTUS is a trained actor, trained Poker player, chess player - So yes he's fooling them

Also, If you've been on this beat for 50 years, you'd know this stupid shit happens all the time - and "life goes on"

lada lada lee, lada lotta Lie.

This is how I explain the phenomenon:

People's consciousness are awakening.

Remember when you wake-up - you look at a dream and you think "Wow I really thought all that was real, when I was asleep"

"How could I have believed something so crazy?"

It's always been this crazy. People never noticed. The public en masse, may still not be noticing.

It's a result of the Internets and information exchange, as detailed in "The Plan" video, which has given a new opportunity for "the people."

I'm open minded to being wrong, but here's my theory:

They really are this stupid, They aren't acting.

There's nothing beyond that to figure out [Just creating more "wheels within wheels" if you do that. And you are projecting your own level of awareness onto people who are not there yet.]

It's really just stupid and sick.

They are sick. That is all.

Somebody's planting the "they are all already arrested" And I think that's a psy-op to convince the perps "It's all over"

Makes it easier. Ruins their confidence.

Anonymous ID: c54661 May 28, 2019, 4:21 a.m. No.6607480   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Just to be clear in what I meant in my last text:


This one I disagree


With this I agree

Trump's won which is unexplained [to them] in the 2016 election; That brought stress to the system, which is a very rigid one.

So the illusion that system projects starts to become more etheric and weak.

That's what is being noticed.

The main argument of the "they are all actors under duress" is that 'they would never do the things they are doing, otherwise"

I argue, they would.

If you have believed the fantasy for a long time - you'd think these folks were sane from the start, so you'd need a reason to explain the change.

I contend they have always been weak, their subterfuge paper thin.

So stress on the system causes the FAIL.

The subjects of the projection, who are under and illusion are in a trance; it's takes special "commands" to break out of that/a trance?

To break the trance of someone delusional, don't you have to enter that dream and break it from within?

So they will be brought down fairly.

If you try from "without," the fantasy will "protect itself" / maintain the delusion and the subject will reject the truth?

Anonymous ID: c54661 May 28, 2019, 5:08 a.m. No.6607648   🗄️.is 🔗kun


BACKFIRE Hurricaine

They are "flying by the seat of their pants" now

Their only hope is to kill him before the news spreads more widely - and regain power in that manner.

Very dangerous.

This Propaganda screed bolstering the credibility of Nancy Pelosi will not age well.

Anonymous ID: c54661 May 28, 2019, 5:25 a.m. No.6607717   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>The more convinced I become that they are acting.


>And their job is to either "KILL" or "BE KILLED".


put into this post //non sequiteur

MIND CONTROL right here.

Predictive Programming much?

Anonymous ID: c54661 May 28, 2019, 5:27 a.m. No.6607723   🗄️.is 🔗kun






This right here is a code.

Does not match the body of the text.

Out of place.





Bad guys use this place for coms; as we have been told.

It's a suggestion / code.

Anonymous ID: c54661 May 28, 2019, 5:30 a.m. No.6607737   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ya. I've noticed the Christians are more likely to be "hip" to what is actually going on.

Yet, "intellectual" atheists insist they are superior.