Anonymous ID: 07c3c7 May 28, 2019, 7:53 a.m. No.6608504   🗄️.is 🔗kun


you've seen his twatter page -

I think he is psychotic manic depressive

most of his tweets are to himself and he is kinda paranoid because some of his settings are private


he tags potus and this sheriff he complains about in his tweets - indicating he is a disorganized psychotic


couple of years ago - and you may have seen it referenced here - during "pizzagate" there was a woman who had about 75 twitter accounts all tweeting capital letters about how she was being sexually abused by presidents dead and done, CIA people, relatives….her name was something like "Catherine Agnew"…anyway - anons tracked it all down and she was a schizophrenic - actually found her in a library, contacted her family and she had already been put under care

point is - shit happens on twitter and he found his way here

apparently he appears every once in a while over the last months - gets better and goes away

I had never seen that particular sperg until last night but that is what I see


his mania is real

nothing we can do about it unless you wanna take it on personally