Anonymous ID: 5e6b6c May 28, 2019, 7:12 a.m. No.6608250   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8292 >>8308


OK I'll bite and throw out a few more hypotheses of what would really freak most people out.


a) We live under a dome. The earth's surface is actually a flat disc with an engineered artificial support structure far beneath. There are other realms on portions of the disc outside of the dome/ Antarctic ice wall.


b) Human beings were created by an alien species via DNA manipulation of earthly animals. The reveal is both of the alien species that has been calling the shots here, and that humanity and all the plants/ domestic animals we depend on were created in an artificial manner.


c) The historic timeline we have been told is completely false. Previous eras of high tech civilization existed on earth and were washed away by successive floods, caused by cosmic forces such as the earth periodically passing through an enhanced cosmic radiation zone.


d) Humanity has long possessed electrogravitic technology that can power flying craft capable of traveling unimaginable speeds and unimaginable distances quickly. There have long been human colonies on other distant bodies/locations of a "breakaway civilization" that has been ripping off the rest of humanity and stealing trillions of dollars from defense budgets.


e) The earth is riddled with tunnels interconnecting all the major human civilizations. Wars are fought in these tunnels, which are also provisioned by elites for their continued existence (and our demise) in the event of major warfare on the surface or other catastrophic happenings.


f) The appearance of different countries being enemies or friends is completely fake. The truth is something completely different.


g) Our minds and bodies are controlled by nanobots which we cannot possibly avoid ingesting/inhaling. Only a few people are able to break away from being controlled by these things. Their removal/disablement will cause the majority of humanity to die off. The survivors will have to start a new civilization from the ground up.


g) There were giants in those days. Remnants of giants, of all different sizes ranging from 10 feet to hundreds of feet or even miles high, are found all over the earth, as well as buildings and artifacts made by those giants in their day.


h) Aliens/extraterrestrials/giants still exist in a state of suspended animation on Antarctica. They had advanced technology far beyond anything we can imagine. Human explorers have awakened this technology and know how to reawaken the giants/ETs. Governments are colluding to keep the evidence concealed and are fighting over exploitation of this high tech.


I could go on………..

Anonymous ID: 5e6b6c May 28, 2019, 7:22 a.m. No.6608308   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8338 >>8346 >>8362



Here's a biggie.


i) Our perception of 3 spatial dimensions and 1 time dimension (that goes in the forward direction only) is an artifact of our minds being temporarily bound to a physical body infrastructure. The truth is that we don't have to remain bound to this 3D physical infrastructure, it is voluntary, but most of the minds bound here can't handle waking up or don't know how to.


j) Our minds are capable of interdimensional travel but most don't know how to activate/operate that function.


k) What we perceive as reality is in fact just a common shared belief. If enough minds believe in something different, reality could appear quite different and fluid and mutable, in other words humanity does have the capability of manifesting different timelines and navigating among them in order to manifest the reality that we desire.


l) What we call "life" is simply the manifestation of a hyperdimensional energy flow which cannot easily be measured with 3D instruments because in our 3D realm this energy is analogous to superconductivity (in other words it's flowing in a different dimension) where it's not subject to measurement by any physical instruments. This superconducting energy flow is identically equal to the "breath of God" or "spirit of God" that descended upon the face of the waters when creating the physical universe. It's identically equal to the "breath of God" which makes the difference between dead and living matter; between a person who is spiritually dead (never awakened) and a person who has received spiritual eternal life.


Now I want to go read others' hypotheses….

Anonymous ID: 5e6b6c May 28, 2019, 7:28 a.m. No.6608338   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8395




m) The elite club is a different bloodline and they do in fact farm human beings for food and other biologically-derived products (drugs). Huge farms of human beings exist in tunnels underground and all of the abductions and missing children and ritual satanic sacrifice stuff is done in order to create/maintain/harvest these underground human farms.


n) CERN is in fact trying to open an interdimensional door to let demons in. Or to let in more demons than the elites could summon using merely their rituals and thoughts. And these demons have come in and are responsible for wreaking havoc. An actual, covert war of Good against Evil is continuing as we speak…


o) The majority of what we perceive to be human beings around us are fake artificial constructs that are not populated with true human spirits. They are empty shells acting roles directed by an unseen director… Real live human beings are in the minority.

Anonymous ID: 5e6b6c May 28, 2019, 7:44 a.m. No.6608437   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8456



p) Many of the apparently attractive females in TV, movies, entertainment that men feel sexual attraction for are in fact genetically male transsexuals that were put into their role from a tender age by illuminati parents. How that that feel, guyAnons, that you have been fapping over disgusting transsexuals for your entire life? And the reveal that illuminati parents do this to their kids, and have been doing so for millenia, is a second shocker. But would it put 99% in the hospital? No, just <50%.