Anonymous ID: 6a19cf May 28, 2019, 5:59 a.m. No.6607853   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Just watched Elizabeth Warren go off the rails on "a hostile foreign government attacked our democracy" as a platform to impeach Trump.


So let's put this in perspective….


Democrats then:


  • Obama "I'll have more flexibility after my election" on a hot mic to Russian diplomat Dmitri Medvedev .


  • H. Clinton: Signed off on sale of Uranium to Russia.


  • B. Clinton: Private speeches in Russia meeting Putin at his house.


  • DNC: Funded opposition research acquired from Russia.


  • Obama's Cyberchief was told to "stand down" when concerns of Russian election interference were found.


Democrats now:


-"Trump had contact with a hostile Russia; impeach him"


It's completely laughable

Anonymous ID: 6a19cf May 28, 2019, 7:38 a.m. No.6608410   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8419 >>8432 >>8451



I do not believe the following is concern, I just believe it to be true…


The deep state has already won long ago.


  1. The country is irreparably infiltrated with migrants, illegals and those who would do harm to the nation. Removing them is now almost an impossibility and it's only a matter of time before their rapid procreation takes hold of the republic


  1. The nations' youth are irrevocably indoctrinated. Obama's common core and the liberal educators in our school systems have done incredible damage to the youth who are now brainwashed.


  1. Emasculation is snowballing. Men are targeted as being too masculine while transgender men are teaching our youth how to "be themselves" in public forums all over the country.


  1. Conservatism is mass-vilified. At every turn, conservatism is linked to white supremacy. So-much-so that the only saving grace to the left would be the completely inhalation of every conservative in America.


  1. Democrats have shown how incredibly corrupt they are and to what extent they will go to win an election. The 2020 election will be no different and a win via cheat is not out of the question.


So even though those whom we desire to receive justice and go to prison for it, those who started these campaigns have won because unless something incredibly dramatic happens on a global scale, this country will eventually be lost.


A Trump 2020 win will not help in the least unless there is an actual "plan".