Anonymous ID: 81f987 May 28, 2019, 5:57 a.m. No.6607843   🗄️.is 🔗kun


TY Baker!!!

Jeff Kuhner

‏Verified account @TheKuhnerReport

1m1 minute ago


Is President Trump the greatest president since Lincoln?

Anonymous ID: 81f987 May 28, 2019, 6:26 a.m. No.6607999   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8012 >>8041 >>8113


-The world's elite worship Satan (Putin said this)


-Most in Hollywood have been programmed by sexual abuse as children, and they groom other children for the same purpose. Parents of these new children coming in literally sell their kids to Satan's Hollywood.


-World governments have literally been ran by a system of blackmail. That blackmail is done by forcing leaders to abuse, have sex with, and eat children (see previous point).


-The Roths really do control all the banks.


-One of the many purposes of Q is to prepare humanity for the intergalactic community (explains the "We're not alone, but UFOs are a distraction" comments).


-Catholic Church literally serves Satan.


-MOS is the head of the gambit of world intelligence agencies (CIA, GCHQ, Russian Intelligence, etc) in every country, and has been calling the shots in every nation since before the USA was even formed, and these organizations had a public political presence which we now refer to by their respective names.


-Our understanding of Christianity is muddled with a metric shit ton of disinfo.


-MK Ultra on a mass scale on public figures as well as the public at large has been a very successful mass programming campaign. Some are so lost they couldn't possibly unplug from it without severe repercussions to their psyche.


-The Holocaust; there's a bit more behind that than most of us ever want to really know.


-Shootings are a direct assault on gun rights. They are willing to actually sacrifice innocent people to further than part of their agenda.


-Abortions are a form of worship to Moloch. What do they do with the aborted babies?


So, any one of these things is years of discovery and understanding in the making. Any one of these things could certainly cause some mental distress to a majority of those still plugged in. A lot of these are intertwined with each other, and lead from one revelation to the next. Q was talking to anons in saying "The complete picture would put 99% of Americans (the World) in a hospital". In other words, think about what you knew about the world in the early 2000s, or 90s, or 80s, or 70s. At some point you may have said "Hey, something isn't quite right, here!". That's why you are here, now. Now, look around you.


All those still meandering through this contrived existence still have no clue about even a fraction of what we know, and we only have been given 40%!!! If you were to give someone the entirety (complete picture) and they didn't laugh at you, say they believed it, what would it do to their mind?


Imagine absorbing just the line items in this one post, all at the same time, in one single dose…


That's why the NSA/Q/Intelligence campaign that was started years ago with a frog and a redpill jpg is so amazing. It's one dose at a time. Sure, it's been co-opted with some disinfo from the paid shills, controlled opposition, etc. But the overall message has been very consistent and successful; "The world you live in is a lie".


And here we are. We're doing our part to spread the message, make memes, shitpost, thank the bakers, bos, bvs, each other, and work towards truth.


Dark to Light

Anonymous ID: 81f987 May 28, 2019, 7:27 a.m. No.6608335   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8491


Not feeding the "Christ = DJT" theory in the least, however, Christ did hang out with the poor and dregs of society. Even supposedly drank wine before the 40 days/nights transformation.


However, if you put any stock whatsoever to the book of Revelation, you'd know there are many theories about how the "End Times" could play out. Pre/Post Trbulationists, and also the Preterists. I think that's why it's best to just stick to the texts in red, and develop your personal relationship with God best you can.


Bringing it full circle, if this really is what it claims to be, then what's happening is a "paving the way" of a return to glorifying God. Humanity needs it. It starts with driving out evil.


>Transparency and Prosecution is the only way forward to save our Republic and safeguard such criminal and treasonous acts from occurring again.



FAKE NEWS’ [propaganda arm of the Democrat machine] sole responsibility is to prevent the TRUTH from ever being disseminated to the masses.


>There is simply no other way than to use the military. It’s that corrupt and dirty.

>Please be safe and pray for those in harms way as they continually protect and serve our great country.


>The only way is the military. Fully controlled.