Anonymous ID: e6ba6f May 28, 2019, 5:58 a.m. No.6607848   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6607627 LB


>why has the public NOT been told about this? answer - because it is not in the public's interest to know the truth because they might act on their own and we can't have that.


>this is also why the public are not told their rights under the Constitution to demand the AIPAC Congress count and report the number states demanding an Article V Convention. What law are we operating under? NONE. It's all made up as they are going along.


>Why has the GOP failed to tell the public about their 25 year electoral collusion with the Democrats viz the expired 2016 consent decree? Vote for you? Trust you? If you think you are going to get away with ths, you'r wrong, period.


>Jew, mason, pedo, rich man lawyer judge the only ones that want the truth suppressed. god speed and fuck you.



I hope you are wrong…. But I know you are right. By keeping the truth hidden the White hat are making a massive mistake. By keeping anon and the general public in the dark how are we suppose to stay on guard and protect our civil society?


Since the Vast majority DO NOT understand how this kind of evil operate how are we suppose to prevent it from ever taking hold again? Try telling to a normie that one of the UN function is to supply young children into trafficking ring?


Or that the Famous and virtuous RED CROSS is involve in all kind of smuggling and other illegal activity?


Or that most of the foundation out there are nothing more than tools for the very wealthy to bribe and hide theirs evil deed and corruption.


Or that our institution that we all trust can be infiltrated by the worst criminal for DECADES in impunity!


This evil WILL come back in force in a generation or two. They will do it again and this time we wont have a DJT to save our collective ass!


The white hat in this story are so use to be fucking coward that when they finally decided to do something about this corruption and evil they will do half measure that will lead to our children paying the price for theirs collective cowardliness.


Humanity need to learn this lesson the way humanity as always learn….. The hard way. Anything else is just a postponement of the inevitable.


Hell is paved with good intention!