Anonymous ID: ea0314 May 28, 2019, 6:13 a.m. No.6607916   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8129



Bible = By Bel. We were all born into a Satanic Cult.

And it's a death cult. They want this red sun to return to speed up their evolution. They think they will be super heros after this. They are insane.

Weddings all SATANIC.

Funerals all SATANIC.


Think about that. Our letters are made up of symbols that represent the Red Winged Sun.

For example the letter B. How is that Satanic?

Because it's a 3 and a Freemason pillar.

A 3 or E represents wings or horns.

So take a Freemason pillar and slap a pair of wings on it. That's the letter B.

Everything in this world is secretly SATANIC.