Anonymous ID: f70921 May 28, 2019, 6:45 a.m. No.6608102   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8165

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The Luciferians exploited mankind’s divine spark for tens of thousands of years, while the People, for the most part, had no idea (because they had forgotten) about the truth of the quantum connection in us all. As such The Luciferians controlled an esoteric knowledge about how to access this power, often for their dark purposes through ritual, while sadly the divine possibilities were dismissed as superstition by a brainwashed majority of “post-modern humanity."


It is very important to recognize that this power was never granted by Lucifer (who is not a god at all but actually the agenda of the “advanced beings” we met in the previous chapter). On the contrary, the power The Luciferians accessed was the divine power in all of us, which we now understand can be used for many things. But at the time, for generations and until The Great Awakening, the Cabal managed to preserve their ultimate secret from the masses: that we could harness our collective consciousness to transform our world for good, to transform everything that was most painful into joyousness, and everything that was poverty into abundance. In this sense, we were all what we once called “superheroes” which should be marveled.


Faith is the worship of God, no matter what name is given to Him. But the Lucferians, were not a faith but a cult, because they did not worship God, or even “a god." Of course, we now understand there is only One God, but to understand the mindset before the Great Awakening, it is useful to understand this distinction between faith and a cult: a cult worships an earthly philosophy, even when that earthly philosophy has been handed down from dark spiritual forces in the heavenly realms. Because while those spiritual forces might have been so much more powerful than man, when face-to-face, such beings were in some sense “mortal” still.


These beings wanted what we had; whether that be Earth and/or something deep inside the “quantum soul”—we’re still piecing it together. And with these treasures in mind, the dark spiritual agenda became known as Lucifer, which became a long-term strategy on Earth spanning millennia, all in order achieve “de-humanization” and ultimately “trans-humanization.”


The Luciferian plan was designed to misguide enough human beings to believe they were actually saviors, so that we would willingly handed over our spiritual-genetic selves, so as to become a hybridized version of the “unholy other,” something new and perhaps hardly recognizable, which the dark beings deemed superior because we would at least be more like [them]. Under this agenda, those relatively few of us who were to remain alive for the transition would now be subservient to the Pindar, even while a hierarchy among transformed-men would continue, with the majority subjugated to the “Trans-Humanized Elites” and the most unholy suffering imaginable.


In this sense, we are talking about the ultimate treason—a treason to all human-kind, and the Earth itself, in order to abet an inhuman enemy, in exchange for…what? The promises to the Elites were so tempting. All the more so because they had already experienced such plenty and privilege. Riches and power on Earth. The promise of near-immortality truly sweetened the deal. At some point, the traitors must have asked ourselves what more could anyone want? Or that is what it must have seemed to the traitors at the time, because they too were deceived. Because it would all come at great cost, not only to the rest of us but to them too, only they were too lost to realize that. Because as we have re-discovered what the ancients knew then, that we are already immortal, through God and rebirth, though severing our ties to this incarnation might feel entirely unacceptable at the time.


This dark plan was so close to a complete success, it is to this day, all these years later, still hard to imagine. But allies were enlisted from the farthest reaches to turn the tide and everything changed with The Great Awakening.