Anonymous ID: ff058a May 28, 2019, 5:38 a.m. No.6607765   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7921

Mass Protest Against Facebook Censorship Planned at Annual Shareholder Meeting





May 30 @ 9 AM

Hotel Nia

200 Independence Drive

Menlo Park CA


Fight for freedom of speech- before they silence YOU!

Anonymous ID: ff058a May 28, 2019, 6:06 a.m. No.6607883   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pope Francis Sounds Racism Alarm After Nationalists Win Big in EU Elections


Pope Francis released his statements on migration the morning after nationalists won the EU elections.


Red Francis warned that the fears of unlimited migration may lead to racism


Has there ever been a more dangerous pope at such a critical period in history?

Anonymous ID: ff058a May 28, 2019, 6:09 a.m. No.6607899   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7919


you really are a ignorant FKer.. your nobody to worry about and nobody special… no one but some DumbFK posting bullshit like a fool on 8Ch.. thinking you got their attention… carry on and move along dummy

Anonymous ID: ff058a May 28, 2019, 6:13 a.m. No.6607919   🗄️.is 🔗kun


^^^^^^ this was meant for… sorry so I'll repost kek




you really are a ignorant FKer.. your nobody to worry about and nobody special… no one but some DumbFK posting bullshit like a fool on 8Ch.. thinking you got their attention… carry on and move along dummy

Anonymous ID: ff058a May 28, 2019, 6:18 a.m. No.6607951   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Editor-in-chief of Russia’s Sputnik Lithuania news agency detained at Vilnius airport


The editor-in-chief of the Lithuanian branch of Russia’s Sputnik news agency was detained on arrival to the Vilnius airport and labeled “a threat to the national security” of Lithuania.


Marat Kasem himself told RIA-Novosti of his detention. The journalist said he was banned from entering Lithuania for the next five years.


The editor-in-chief of Sputnik Lithuania arrived in the country on a business trip on Tuesday.

Anonymous ID: ff058a May 28, 2019, 6:21 a.m. No.6607968   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8195

Sweet dreams baby by Jackson Browne, T Bone Burnett, Elvis Costello, k.d.Lang, Bonnie Raitt, J.D. Souther, Bruce Springsteen, Tom Waits and Jennifer Warnes.


Roy Orbison - Sweet dreams baby

Anonymous ID: ff058a May 28, 2019, 6:27 a.m. No.6608006   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8023 >>8069 >>8081

Feminist former adviser to Bill Clinton discovers on LIVE radio the entire premise behind her latest book is based on an error


It’s one thing to pretend to know more than everyone else and assume the right to lecture the country about how Americans should live their lives. It’s quite another thing to do so from a position of presumed moral authority only to figure out at the worst time that you are the biggest dummy in the room.


That’s what happened last week to author Naomi Wolf, a renowned “feminist” and former adviser to President Bill Clinton who learned — on live radio — that the entire premise behind her latest book, “Outrages: Sex, Censorship, and the Criminalization of Love” is completely wrong…because she never properly understand a legal term that formed the book’s thesis.


As The Pluralist noted, Wolf was giving an interview live on BBC’s Radio 3 with interviewer Matt Sweet when she was confronted with the glaring error.


The book, which is currently scheduled for release in mid-June, purportedly details “how a single English law in 1857” led to the supposed stigmatization and criminalization of gay relationships.


“Until 1857, the State did not link the idea of ‘homosexuality’ to deviancy,” says an Amazon description of the book. “Before 1857 it wasn’t ‘homosexuality’ that was a crime, but simply the act of sodomy. But in a single stroke, not only was love between men illegal, but anything referring to this love became obscene, unprintable, unspeakable.”

Anonymous ID: ff058a May 28, 2019, 6:30 a.m. No.6608014   🗄️.is 🔗kun

California’s wealthy elite finally facing their day of reckoning as liberal policies leave surge of homeless people, used needles and human feces on their doorstep


It’s pretty easy for people to adopt liberal policies when these policies don’t have any direct impact on their lives, but the real test of what someone truly believes is what happens when those policies are enacted in their own backyard.


Ultra-rich Californians who publicly claim to promote all sorts of liberal policies to protect the poor are failing this test in a big way. As reported by Gizmodo, the richest of the rich in San Francisco are putting up a huge fight against the building of what is being referred to as a “mega shelter” – a 200-bed facility to house the homeless – in their own backyard.


Wealthy residents of the Embarcadero waterfront area in South Beach have raised $101,425 to fight the building of the homeless center in court, insisting that residents will “terrorize the neighbors.” (Related: San Francisco turning into a giant toilet filled with human feces as leftist bureaucrats accelerate America’s plunge into Third World status.)


Massive gap between rich and poor

San Francisco is one of the country’s most expensive cities, with the South Beach neighborhood being one of the city’s richest neighborhoods. Of course, the San Francisco Bay Area also encompasses Silicon Valley, a global center for technological innovation, and home to the super rich.


Sadly, it is also facing one of the greatest homelessness crises in the country.

Anonymous ID: ff058a May 28, 2019, 6:34 a.m. No.6608046   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>No one will wake up


Clearly you never seen or been to a Trump rally.3 years in and still packing the house…. Stop spreading this same bullshit lies every other board

Anonymous ID: ff058a May 28, 2019, 6:38 a.m. No.6608064   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8093 >>8139 >>8162 >>8186 >>8207

Trump WH Nominates 'Anti-Gunner' Chuck Canterbury Jr As Next ATF Director


National Association for Gun Rights president Dudley Brown warned Friday that the White House's pick to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is an "anti-gunner."


From the National Association For Gun Rights

Late on Friday afternoon the White House released an official statement that Chuck Canterbury, Jr. was nominated to become the next ATF Director.


Unfortunately, Canterbury has a long history of publicly supporting and endorsing anti-gun policies, anti-gun Supreme Court nominees, and anti-gun high ranking government officials.


In his official capacity as President of the National Fraternal Order of Police, Canterbury has:

*** Supported radical anti-gun Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor.


*** Supported former Attorney General Eric Holder – Obama’s head honcho who ran the deadly Fast and Furious gun running program.


*** Supported expanding the federal government’s gun registration schemes.

Even more troubling, Canterbury’s FOP is currently lobbying AGAINST Constitutional Carry, even though the vast majority of law enforcement officers support the right to carry.


This is troubling news.

Anonymous ID: ff058a May 28, 2019, 6:50 a.m. No.6608124   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8140 >>8169 >>8181


"The common enemy of humanity is man.

In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up

with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming,

water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these

dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through

changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome.

The real enemy then, is humanity itself."

  • Club of Rome,

premier environmental think-tank,

consultants to the United Nations


Climate Change will result in a catastrophic global sea level

rise of seven meters. That's bye-bye most of Bangladesh,

Netherlands, Florida and would make London the new Atlantis."

  • Greenpeace International



"Coal makes us sick. Oil makes us sick. It's global warming.

It's ruining our country. It's ruining our world."

  • Harry Reid,

U.S. Senate majority leader



"Climate Change is the greatest threat that

human civilization has ever faced."

  • Angela Merkel,

German Chancellor


"Climate change is real. Not only is it real, it's here,

and its effects are giving rise to a frighteningly new

global phenomenon: the man-made natural disaster."

  • Barack Obama,

US President

Anonymous ID: ff058a May 28, 2019, 6:55 a.m. No.6608152   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Minister calls urgent meeting with Mizzi over ‘Muslim invasion’ interview

No resignation yet from Guardian of the Future Generations Maurice Mizzi over racist comments in newspaper interview


Maurice Mizzi: “We are living in a Catholic country, and when I die, I want to die in a Catholic country. At the moment, there are so many Muslims coming – they’re all having nine babies, next to our two – and they will take over eventually.”


The businessman Maurice Mizzi was called in for an urgent meeting with environment minister José Herrera, over an anti-Muslim tirade during an interview with The Times.


Mizzi, appointed ‘Guardian of the Future Generations’ after the resignation departure of climate change expert Michael Zammit Cutajar, hit out at irregular immigration into Malta, arguing that Muslims are “taking over” and insisting the country should stop migrants from entering.


His comments drew an angry reaction from NGOs, who said he should be dismissed.


But the ministry has not yet decided to demand his resignation.


“With reference to the declarations made by Chev. Maurice Mizzi on Sunday’s newspaper, the the Ministry for Environment, Sustainable Development and Climate Change is disassociating itself with such reported statements, as it is not reflective to the government’s vision including that of the Guardian of the Future Generations. Minister José Herrera has requested an urgent meeting to clarify the situation.”

Anonymous ID: ff058a May 28, 2019, 7:03 a.m. No.6608199   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8280


That's one reason why I posted it… Q keeps telling us this board has more power then we know.. WHY haven't people figured out we have a direct line to the WH and Trump himself… Come on people MAKE your voices heard ..

Anonymous ID: ff058a May 28, 2019, 7:15 a.m. No.6608268   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8274 >>8281 >>8293 >>8297

Americans Haven't Been This Confident In The Current Economy Since 2000


mericans' confidence in consumption was expected to extend April's modest rebound but instead it soared in May, led by a big surge in consumers' view of the present situation.


Headline Consumer confidence in May rose to 134.1 vs. 129.2 prior month.


Present situation confidence rose to 175.2 vs. 169.0 last month - highest since Dec 2000


Consumer confidence expectations rose to 106.6 vs. 102.7 last month.

Anonymous ID: ff058a May 28, 2019, 7:20 a.m. No.6608299   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8304

“We Build the Wall” Closes Off Human and Drug Smuggling Corridor in One Weekend! $100,000 a day Drug Pipeline SHUT DOWN (Video)


For months the liberal media mocked “We Build the Wall” founder and organizer Brian Kolfage and his noble plan to use private donations to help build the much-needed security wall between the US and Mexico. Brian raised over $20 million in private donations from over 260,000 individuals to build a border wall on the US southern border.

This Memorial Day Weekend the “We Build the Wall” organization built their first half mile of border wall near El Paso, Texas.

Anonymous ID: ff058a May 28, 2019, 7:30 a.m. No.6608349   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8436

Brussels – The International Hub for World Leaders


It is often derided by its critics as a grey city, populated by particularly well-paid eurocrats.


But, as the presence of world leaders for the G7 summit at the start of June testifies, there is rather more to Brussels these days than the somewhat dated stereotype.


Already home to the EU institutions and international organisations like NATO, the city also boasts (after Washington DC), the world´s second biggest press corps.


The presence of the European institutions makes Brussels one of the most important decision-making centres in the world. In their wake, NGOs, consultancies, regional representations, media, and law firms, among others, have set up shop in the Belgian capital.


The G7 set for Brussels on June 4-5 focussed on the Ukraine situation, ties with Russia, global economy and energy security. The leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Britain, the United States, the President of the European Council and the President of the European Commission (G7 leaders) met in the city for two days.

Anonymous ID: ff058a May 28, 2019, 7:36 a.m. No.6608398   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8427


The restructuring ..


Jefferson's Opinion on the Constitutionality of a National Bank : 1791


The bill for establishing a National Bank undertakes among other things:


  1. To form the subscribers into a corporation.


  1. To enable them in their corporate capacities to receive grants of land; and so far is against the laws of Mortmain.(1)


  1. To make alien subscribers capable of holding lands, and so far is against the laws of Alienage.


  1. To transmit these lands, on the death of a proprietor, to a certain line of successors; and so far changes the course of Descents.


  1. To put the lands out of the reach of forfeiture or escheat, and so far is against the laws of Forfeiture and Escheat.


  1. To transmit personal chattels to successors in a certain line and so far is against the laws of Distribution.


  1. To give them the sole and exclusive right of banking under the national authority; and so far is against the laws of Monopoly.


  1. To communicate to them a power to make laws paramount to the laws of the States; for so they must be construed, to protect the institution from the control of the State legislatures, and so, probably, they will be construed.


I consider the foundation of the Constitution as laid on this ground: That " all powers not delegated to the United States, by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States or to the people." [XIIth amendment.] To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specially drawn around the powers of Congress, is to take possession of a boundless field of power, no longer susceptible of any definition.


The incorporation of a bank, and the powers assumed by this bill, have not, in my opinion, been delegated to the United States, by the Constitution.