Anonymous ID: 646d6a May 28, 2019, 10:04 a.m. No.6609337   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9428


here is what I wrote for someone else last bread:


if two people use terms like 'white' or 'black' or even what do you say, 'libtard', and that helps them, and they understand and it isn't hateful?

that's what they need to do to talk and it's not derision and it's just them trying to comprehend better, than the concept of 'race' as a social construct is a decision that they use to agree on to allow for better understanding between themselves. I shall not interfere with them and say in that concept, of course, race is real.


in science?


you are stuck in the realms of social science.

Science is empiricism.

Social Science is Operational Research.


I'm not saying that Social Science isn't useful, but it's not 'empiricism', and it is often masqueraded as that.


It should be called 'humanities'. or for some use 'inhumanities'

Anonymous ID: 646d6a May 28, 2019, 10:09 a.m. No.6609367   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9381 >>9390 >>9444



the race topic is a slide. that anon is drawing it all out to stop this slide.

there is fair use to say that 'race' is a real thing of course.

in a scientific analysis the progative of the scienctists taints thing and race is merely a personal definition of some small and privledged few who ignore the social and fixate on the genetic.


yes it's OK to use 'race' in the concepts, for what they see in the real world.

No it's not ok to say that it's 'science' .

it might be social science. it could even be a subcategory of genetics.

also it might indicate family and lineage.

Anonymous ID: 646d6a May 28, 2019, 10:13 a.m. No.6609404   🗄️.is 🔗kun


pleaase, do not post selfies!

fame fagging is discouraged.


talk about whatever you want to. I'm just telling you that these shills are doing the 'race' slide today.


Shills doing the race slide

doesn't mean everyone talking about it is shill.


are you worried that Julian is in 'Prison Ward', which means he isn't well?

Anonymous ID: 646d6a May 28, 2019, 10:20 a.m. No.6609460   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9485 >>9487 >>9717



and I even corrected the errors.


seriously what is your problem?

it's real for some uses

and other uses of it are fake and gay


does that explain it?

it's the use of the concept.

some people use it as a way to justify inhumanity and pogrom.

others use to facilitate expression and share their ideas.


one use is legitimate, the other, the one used to inslave, is bullshit.


and also 'Social Science' is NOT Science.

Anonymous ID: 646d6a May 28, 2019, 10:34 a.m. No.6609587   🗄️.is 🔗kun


the use of language is the purpose of it.

if any concept is used by bad people pretending to be about 'science' and presenting schemes of social order based upon ideas about genetics and 'race', that use is bogus, and their idea of 'race' is bogus.

the danger is them.

they are dangerous.

they subhumanize people, families.

they say 'these are the weed to be destroyed'


and then they con others into doing it for them.


but if it's two people discussing people with what we call 'racial' terms, then 'race' real in that context. It's a social context.


and they aren't trying to instittute degenerate policy and make others act like psychopaths.


they are merely describing what they see and know, we would hope.


In that sense race is , or course, real.

It's linquistic. It's conceptual. It's non scientific. They are using langauge to communicate. The other ones, the fake-science people, what they do is use the concept of race to concoct fake science to jusify their operational activities in fear mongering.


so their theories of race are fake and gay.

but the ones who use fake science to fomont hatre: that is called 'race-baiting'. and the race-baiting that those people do is very very real. We see the results in Democrat policies, cities like Baltimore being bastions of needless conflict.


so in that sense race is, of course, very real. The race baiting is apparent.

Anonymous ID: 646d6a May 28, 2019, 10:40 a.m. No.6609627   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9665


wow you're trying to make me think I said something that I didn't say.


please stop.


try this one:

is race real:

depends on what you are using the idea of race for.


does that one work.


ah, and 'thinking about a crime'?


some say that the thought has to proceed the crime in order for it to be a real crime.

so having a thought might lead to a crmie.

but what is a thought?

merely conjecture, sometimes, that we know is NOT real but is plausible or we say it 'could' be real, but we don't know.

how would that be a crime?


expressing a thought with creepy details that tickle fetish and trigger people in to creepy thoughts, like the details of a crime for ritual purposes? Spreading those thoughts is not technically a 'crime' because of free speech. But in the realm of 'good and evil' suggesting degeneracy and then dis owning it after getting the message out , well you decide: right or wrong. Think for yourself.


I submit that the purposes of some ritual crimes are exactly so that the details do get out to spread fear and the degenerate details.


all this 'worse than the crime' stuff, were did you get that? I never said that, you see, right?

Anonymous ID: 646d6a May 28, 2019, 10:58 a.m. No.6609745   🗄️.is 🔗kun


very clearly lurid details of rape are not 'technically' criminal but rather sick to dwell on unless for the purposes of prosecution.


'being racist': I reject the idea. some one can 'express' an idea that another says is 'racist' and then they say the person is 'being racist'.


sounds hoaky to me.

I say 'the act is evil, not the person'

or 'love the sinner, hate the sin'.


the irredeemible 'racist' is a Norman leer quality fiction, and he even didn't believe it because Archie was lovable.

Anonymous ID: 646d6a May 28, 2019, 11:05 a.m. No.6609781   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9882


not related to the whole ongoing 'meaning' of 'race' and 'context of use' of 'race' etc.


if you hear things that others do not hear you might invest in some highend audio, like a Zoom, that is capible of recording up to 92K and maybe even double that frequencey range.


Record at a very high sampling rate and analyze the spectrum. You might find that the sound is really there and you have very good ears.

a hearing test might show you.

Anonymous ID: 646d6a May 28, 2019, 11:23 a.m. No.6609907   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9928


I hear the beat frequnecies of fans.

if you have a PC and you set all the fans at the same speed, but they are off and warbling, due to issues related to fan-out, and it's hard to make it exact, I hear the beat frequencies.

the beat frequency of the refrigerator and the home furnace, if they are on at the same time, is rather annoying. If I move my head it fade. It's locational, of course, because that's how nodes and troffs work.


so I set my fans so they would have speeds that would form a nice chord. Four fans, makes a nice sound. But I got the really low-noise ones, so it's subtle.

Anonymous ID: 646d6a May 28, 2019, 11:26 a.m. No.6609924   🗄️.is 🔗kun


was there some modern day connection to this? I'm going to post part of a dig from last night, I've posted it a few times so maybe someone will notice this time.

Anonymous ID: 646d6a May 28, 2019, 11:34 a.m. No.6609986   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I want to thank you for being real. I don't agree with all you conjecture but you've helped me for a bunch of reasons.


listen: everyone who was warning you not to do that some bread two or three saturday's ago did it not to control you, but because we really were worried.


you made it very very real.

and I appreciate your sharing.

People make fun because they do care.


and it's stupid and we think, why should I?


and so ya, some us make memes of you but it's to show your contrition, and that makes you glow. So though there are tears, it's you glowing with the joy of contrite self-reflection. Joy to you!