Anonymous ID: a77c31 May 28, 2019, 10:55 a.m. No.6609721   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9746 >>9748 >>9777 >>9803 >>9829

Longtime Anon….I was so put off by Trump's support of 5G and vaccines that I decided not to participate any more. This is too big. I had to come back just to share this. It should be a notable, but it won't be. So, save this info and share it at the right moment.


Here's the deal:


The Cabal has many ways to wipe out massive segments of world population. One of them is with viruses that have been grown in laboratories since (at least) Nazi Germany. See Project Paperclip.


One thing that's SUPER effective against ALL viruses is chlorine dioxide (MMS). It's very safe. It's in our drinking water. I have personally used the stuff for years. The Red Cross buried a massive study done on how MMS cures malaria (which isn't easy to do).


Today, Drudge Report had this link to an NBC story about how the usual sensors (YouTube/FB/etc) are taking down all information about chlorine dioxide. This is not a coincidence.


They want to minimize the number of people who can help themselves. They want you to believe that you are powerless and dependent on them and doctors for help.


I STRONGLY advise all anons to get some MMS and just keep it on hand in case shit hits the fan. If the black hats release a virus, it's literally the only thing that's going to help you! Don't believe the misinformation out there. This stuff is truly miraculous! It's not expensive and I have no financial interest in it. Honestly, there's not much money to be made from it which is another reason it's being attacked so much. $20 could save your life and the lives of your family.