Anonymous ID: d28035 May 28, 2019, 11:02 a.m. No.6609765   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9772



>▶Anonymous  05/28/19 (Tue) 07:57:04 c616f1 (6)  No.6609736


>YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




>I think he died not long after this performance. :(


>▶Anonymous  05/28/19 (Tue) 07:57:11 1110b4 (11)  No.6609737




>>Most "racists" choose not to associate with the people they dislike. The Left considers this a worse crime than anything violent.




>choosing not to associate with the people they dislike


>is a fundamental value of SJW faggotry.


>deplatforming, fighting "normalizing", "outing nazis", "bashing the fash"…


>it's all about excluding a select category of unwanted.






><It is illegal to oppose, violently attack, speak against or discriminate against anyone based on race.




Thoughts are you have read nothing about the Constitutional Congress, First Supreme Court Justice John Jay's letters, Vattel Law of Nations and Ben Franklin's trip to France. Natural Born requirement was vital. Everyone that was educated at the time knew it to mean born of two citizen parents.


100 other reasons he was not elligible. Like at one point being an Indonesian citizen, a Britsh subject through his father, a fake birth certificate, his mom because of age and travel's not able to convey citizenship and on and on.

President requirement was different because it mattered.

Anonymous ID: d28035 May 28, 2019, 11:05 a.m. No.6609783   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9844


I will try again.


Thoughts are you have read nothing about the Constitutional Congress, First Supreme Court Justice John Jay's letters, Vattel Law of Nations and Ben Franklin's trip to France. Natural Born requirement was vital. Everyone that was educated at the time knew it to mean born of two citizen parents.


100 other reasons he was not eligible. Like at one point being an Indonesian citizen, a British subject through his father, a fake birth certificate, his mom because of age and travel's not able to convey citizenship and on and on.


President requirement was different because it mattered.

Anonymous ID: d28035 May 28, 2019, 11:23 a.m. No.6609906   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9920

William Craddick of the_Donald pleadingtheyiff fame has gone to the dark side. I know anons do not give a shit about Reddit but the_donald was a big help in elections and yiff helped bring up PG and Spirit Cooking info which hurt Killary. Another placed gatekeeper. Go nuke his comment sections. Maybe he is just misinformed or maybe his asshole is faggot.

Anonymous ID: d28035 May 28, 2019, 11:28 a.m. No.6609942   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Exactly. All the famefags which we already discredited a long time ago. Craddick is a smart dude which leads me to believe he is comped. Uses Binney's name in vain. Anons need to go to h is comment section and light it up. He was very influential on the the_Donald and normies are there.