Anonymous ID: d846f2 May 28, 2019, 9:56 a.m. No.6609274   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9291

They are trying to silence us.


There is a lot of stuff going on right now. Governments are trying to pass new laws regarding our privacy and rights. Mosques are getting shot up, causing more and more, like many events, internet censorship to become a possible reality in our world. I used to go on Youtube and certain topics like the Illuminati, secrets in Hollywood, stuff like that were much more accessible, the rabbit hole was much easier to jump into. Has anyone else noticed that things have become harder to find on Youtube? What I'm saying is, knowledge is being suppressed, right in front of our eyes, not slowly, but faster than we would ever like it to. Now if you try to dive in, you are led to generic, mainstream sources that have watered down, information lacking content. Some are most likely shills. Off topic, but Joe Rogan has also been silenced/converted too. Now, unless you have some sort of prior, direct information to go on, Youtube keeps you in the societal norm, making it more difficult than ever, for the younger generations to find some sources. This provokes a herd mentality. The internet should always be an open platform, but we are seeing that be threatened by the elite. We the people are waking up, but at the same time, they are making moves to prevent it, by making information harder to seek.