Anonymous ID: da4445 May 28, 2019, 10:40 a.m. No.6609623   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9678 >>9843


>Hey guys look at my tea leaves aren't they pretty


Gotta love how clockfags disappeared for months until 1 of their 2 times a day to be right swings around.

It is far more likely that the connection is the 27 in the date, and every single other part of your theory is completely meaningless.

Anonymous ID: da4445 May 28, 2019, 11:02 a.m. No.6609763   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9798 >>9825



The anti-clockfag sentiment has been very strong for 6+ months.

The theory has become laughably convoluted, to the point of being a valueless slide/distraction.

MANY anons have forcefully pushed back any time garbage clock graphics were posted in breads. You're full of shit.


You are dealing with a pool of over 3k data points, each containing many lines of information, key words, etc.

If you lay them out in any sort of pattern whatsoever, you will be able to start creating arbitrary rules then through confirmation bias finding "connections" based on those rules.


It is obvious to all intelligent anons that there are connections in the MAP, and that dates / times are often linked in ways we never really figured out.

It is also obvious to any intelligent anon that clockfags like you are mid-wits who mistake high-effort tea-leave reading for actual methodology.

Worse yet, the theory acts as a gatekeeper of sorts, preventing anons from separating the bits of clockfagging that is legitimate from the retarded whole.

Anonymous ID: da4445 May 28, 2019, 11:25 a.m. No.6609917   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9941 >>0044



This is precisely what I'm saying, though.

We all know there are countless numerical connections throughout Q's posts and news events, etc.

I would also bet that the method of laying out Q Drops across a clock in some way is close to correct, or at least is the right direction.

However, MANY of the connections could alternatively be explained using very basic mathematical one-off connections.

MOST ALL of the most incredible proofs that have occurred do not tie into or rely on the clock in any way.


A reasonable person would have to assume that the clock is an incorrect methodology that rarely produces valid results.

It's my belief these occasional hits (and the primary value of the clock) is due to it's laying out posts in a cyclic nature, based around numbers common to clocks and dates (30 or 60)

However, this simple nugget of value has been wrapped heavily in shit to create the clock as it's often posted. When we laugh and mock it, it isn't because we don't understand. I have read all the threads and all the posts I come across, and I understand them all, I just think it's biased trash with no consistency.


That alone, the fact that a very valuable idea about the MAP was heavily compromised with branding, sloppy and inconsistent methodology and rule-sets, taking extreme liberties in all regardsโ€ฆ.this has led many anons to write it off at this point as a shill product.

Genuine anons like yourself posting the 1% of clockfag posts as something to point to just illustrate my point.