Anonymous ID: f3afcc May 28, 2019, 10:01 a.m. No.6609315   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9369

Russia Collusion article RE: Sergei Millian


Point of Decision

Trump, Inc.

Go to the profile of Chris Zeitz

Chris Zeitz

Mar 2, 2017


The head of the Russian American Chamber of Commerce was also supportive of Trump during the campaign. Sergei Millian, according to the Financial Times, arranged for 50 US businessmen to travel to Russia in 2011. Upon their return home, the FBI debriefed the travelers to see if they had been approached by Russian intelligence. Millian has claimed that Trump several years ago directed him to Michael Cohen, Trump’s attorney, who authorized Millian to promote Trump projects in the Former Soviet Union. This arrangement predates Donald Trump, Jr.’s, now famous quote about his father’s business ties to Russia in 2008: “We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.” As the election approached, Millian quietly packed his bags and went to Asia. His activities have in part led some analysts, quoted in the Financial Times, to conclude that Russia has returned to the old Soviet tactic of using chambers of commerce to recruit agents in the West.

Anonymous ID: f3afcc May 28, 2019, 10:17 a.m. No.6609436   🗄️.is 🔗kun



No reason to look at it. Was digging into Millian as he's dragged into the news with Trump pic.


Actual Millian name


And Millian - real name Sergei Kukut or, in Belarussian, Siarhei Kukuts - has hinted that he could be in danger, blaming shadowy forces in London.