Anonymous ID: a1f91e May 28, 2019, 12:07 p.m. No.6610229   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0256 >>0316

>>6604087 pb

>Navy Pilots Describe Stunning UFO Sightings; Hypersonic Speeds, No Exhaust Plume

>>6606774 pb

>Navy Pilots Were Seeing UFOs on an Almost Daily Basis in 2014 and 2015: Report


Deep State Narrative Shift?


Q-drop #249 (12/9/17) talked about hidden messages in Hussein AIDs video… I found (2):


  1. Threat to POTUS: “If you do (donate), I’ll let you pilot Air Force One for a day…”


[Hussein implying (((they))) have ability to remotely pilot/control AF1]


  1. Divert global narrative: “If you do (donate), I’ll share our files on the aliens…What? No? We can’t do that either? But I have them. They’re in my desk right now.”


[(((Deep State / MSM))) threatens to use UFOs/aliens to create global “scare/crisis” to divert public attention away from political corruption/justice.]


IMO, there appeared to be an uptick in MSM UFO stories right after that video for a month or two


Has there been an uptick in UFO stories lately? If so, is this a deliberate DS narrative shift?


Any anons know of way to track/monitor MSM trends related to UFOs?

Anonymous ID: a1f91e May 28, 2019, 12:50 p.m. No.6610512   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0539 >>0563 >>0574


That was helpful - thanks!


I searched for articles before 12/9/17 and only found stories about Navy pilots sky-writing a penis in the sky…


…but 12/4/17 (date of Q's post) going forward, lots of stories of 'Navy Pilot UFO' and it appears that many of those UFO stories published today are re-prints or re-treads of the articles in late 2017, early 2018…when they first tried to silence Q


I think I feel the global news narrative shifting to UFO invasion