Anonymous ID: 384db3 May 28, 2019, 1:44 p.m. No.6610886   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0898 >>0905 >>0985

This morning I had a run in with a group of 20 Navy seals at my local (big west coast city) municipal sports park. They were engaging in various physical drills and sprints around the running track. It is not unusual to see both active and reserve units working out in that park. Usually they wear their standard PT uniforms with t-shirts that say Army or Marines on them.


A new crew showed up some time ago, which I learned were Navy Seals leading a group of hopefuls through physical testing. While the group of hopefuls were sent around the 800 meter track for a timed run, I stopped to chat with the group of 6 in charge. They weren't wearing any identifying uniform or t-shirts, but looked military to me. The interaction was awesome - men standing tall while facing one another, talking eye to eye, asking and answering questions in a straight forward manner. That's when I learned they were Seals trying out potential recruits. The look of confidence and pride in their faces while they talked was evident. There was also a kindness I can't quite explain in the way they talked with me. They likely knew they were in the company of someone who understood and supported their skill, sacrifice and purpose.


Today was the same experience. I can't say I recognized any of them from the previous interaction, but this time it wasn't a group of hopefuls, which was evident (to me) by the way they moved and organized themselves for the drilling, as well as their collective appearance and physique. Each one was chiseled, but not cartoonishly. And when it came time to move fast, they were explosive. As the group was sent off walking in a line across the field to the start point of their sprint, I addressed the group with stop watches and asked, "Military?" They answered yes. I said in reply, "You look like it. Thanks for your work, stay safe, and may God bless you." They stopped, smiled, and responded, "Thank you, and the same to you!" American warriors are amazing. We need them now more than ever.


Those of you without military experience, do you know how to interact with our warriors? I have a tip for you. Approach and address them with confidence and respect. Hold your chin up and look them square in the eye. Speak clearly and with purpose. You'll discover you've just made a new friend who will do whatever he or she can to help and protect you, while accepting whatever you have to offer that may help them in return. It may be necessary to know this if we find ourselves in a hot "awakening" in the coming months.

Anonymous ID: 384db3 May 28, 2019, 1:48 p.m. No.6610916   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0953 >>0959 >>1129 >>1214


Without the stupid box office graphics FFS:


This morning I had a run in with a group of 20 Navy seals at my local (big west coast city) municipal sports park. They were engaging in various physical drills and sprints around the running track. It is not unusual to see both active and reserve units working out in that park. Usually they wear their standard PT uniforms with t-shirts that say Army or Marines on them.


A new crew showed up some time ago, which I learned were Navy Seals leading a group of hopefuls through physical testing. While the group of hopefuls were sent around the 800 meter track for a timed run, I stopped to chat with the group of 6 in charge. They weren't wearing any identifying uniform or t-shirts, but looked military to me. The interaction was awesome - men standing tall while facing one another, talking eye to eye, asking and answering questions in a straight forward manner. That's when I learned they were Seals trying out potential recruits. The look of confidence and pride in their faces while they talked was evident. There was also a kindness I can't quite explain in the way they talked with me. They likely knew they were in the company of someone who understood and supported their skill, sacrifice and purpose.


Today was the same experience. I can't say I recognized any of them from the previous interaction, but this time it wasn't a group of hopefuls, which was evident (to me) by the way they moved and organized themselves for the drilling, as well as their collective appearance and physique. Each one was chiseled, but not cartoonishly. And when it came time to move fast, they were explosive. As the group was sent off walking in a line across the field to the start point of their sprint, I addressed the group with stop watches and asked, "Military?" They answered yes. I said in reply, "You look like it. Thanks for your work, stay safe, and may God bless you." They stopped, smiled, and responded, "Thank you, and the same to you!" American warriors are amazing. We need them now more than ever.


Those of you without military experience, do you know how to interact with our warriors? I have a tip for you. Approach and address them with confidence and respect. Hold your chin up and look them square in the eye. Speak clearly and with purpose. You'll discover you've just made a new friend who will do whatever he or she can to help and protect you, while accepting whatever you have to offer that may help them in return. It may be necessary to know this if we find ourselves in a hot "awakening" in the coming months.